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Happy Fathers Day Quotes | Messages | WhatsApp Status 2021

The clocking is ticking and the countdown to father’s day is on, everyone wants to make fathers day 2021 a special affair, everybody search for fathers day quotes , fathers day messages , fathers day WhatsApp status and upload to their social networking profiles, well we can help you here by giving you some of the best messages and statuses that you can think of, We already know that nothing will do enough for things he did, put yourself in those beautiful memories with this amazing savior who helped you deal with everything, right from bullies to walls, drown in those lovely memories and compliment with these awesome messages to make your dad feel special.


Afterall no man can equal a dad, and we could never imagine the level of sacrifices and pain that he takes when bringing us up, verily there is nothing like thanking a dad, whatever age bracket you might be in, but dad is always a dad,  twenty or seventy, age is just a number, so hold back, grab your notepad and get write ready to copy these amazing fathers day messages , fathers day whatsapp status this year and make him feel special like the day he did by taking care of everything that you needed. Thank him with these messages, put it on whatsapp and let the world know that you care.

Happy Fathers Day Quotes 1

Happy Fathers Day Quotes | Messages | Whats app Status 2021

I love you so much, I wish I could prove it to you. I don’t know where to start, all I want to do is prove that I can do all I wish for and all you wish for me to do. I also want to prove that I can put my way through to the next level. If so it be, may god help me and you and see you through. I sent this song though Father’s Day is on third Sunday of June. I believe I have not been living up to your expectations. I hope you keep on praying for me.
Have a pleasant and wonderful day.

Thank you 4 everything. We may not have said it often, but how could we let this day go by without saying how much you mean to us. We appreciate everything you have done for us. Thank You.

Having You For A Dad Was the best beginning I could’ve had… Ever since that you’ve made sure it gets only better! You mean the world to me! Happy Father’s DayHaving You For A Dad Was the best beginning I could’ve had… Ever since that you’ve made sure it gets only better! You mean the world to me! Happy Father’s Day.

You are so selfless. Pouring unconditional love and blessings upon me. The kingdom of heaven abides in you and I hear God’s voice each time u call me. My heart rejoices listening to your voice. You are the reason for the dreams I see. I believe in myself because you believe in me.

Delightful And Loving, Loved And Admired, Dad, You’re My Hero, My Life You’ve Inspired. And When All My Blessings,Are Counted Each Day, I Thank God In Heaven,For Dad When I Pray. Dad Thanks For Your Presence,Throughout Thick And Thin; You’re More Than A Parent,You’re My Wonderful Friend. Happy Father’s Day.

Happy Fathers Day Quotes 1

When I was born,
You were there to catch me when i fall, whenever and wherever.
When I said my first words,
You were there for me,
to teach me the whole dictionary if need be.
When I took my first steps,
You were there to encourage me on.
When I had my first day at school,
you were there to give me advice and help me with my homework.
I still haven’t finished school,
or walked down the aisle, or had my first child.
But I know you will be there for me through all these times and more, the good and bad.
So I just wrote this to say ‘I LOVE YOU DAD!!!’

Happy Father’s Day! This unique day is a celebration of you! Stay sweet, kind, and loving as you have always been. You taught me how to stay strong and stand up for myself. You taught me to never back down and pick myself up again each time I fall. You’ve always made sure I am a person of my words and kept true to myself. Thank you for all the things you taught me. You will always be the number one man in my life. I love you so much daddy!

‘Dad you are never wrong,The only time you are wrong,is when you think,
I forgot about you.,Love you Dad! Have a grand Father’s Day!

‘I didn’t  Think Of Any Need In Childhood As Strong As The Need
For A Father’s Protection. Happy Father’s Day!’

It’s SUPER DAD! Faster than a speeding lawn mower, more powerful than a pickle jar lid, able to leap long “honey do” lists in a single bound! So get out of that phone booth and have a great Father’s Day.

Dad I know that i don’t say you often enough but i love you very much. You are the greatest dad in whole world. I wouldn’t be where i am today without you. Thanks for all you have done for me
I love you.

My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person: he believed in me. Happy father’s day.

Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap on a rope.

A Father thinks about his CHILDREN day and night. Even if they are not with him, and will love them in a way they will never understand.

A Father is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take.

A Father means so many things,
An understanding heart,
A source of strength, love and support
Right from the very start.
I’m happy you’re my Dad
And so I want to say
I love you, Dad, and wish you
A Happy Father’s Day.

Wife to Father-In-Law Father’s Day Quotes:
A Father means so many things,
An understanding heart,
A source of strength, love and support
Right from the very start.
I’m happy you’re my Dad
And so I want to say
I love you, Dad, and wish you
A Happy Father’s Day.

“F” aithful.
“A” lays there.
“T” trustworthy.
“H” honoring.
“E” very-loving.
“R” righteous.
“S” supportive

When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.

A father is always making his baby into a little woman. And when she is a woman he turns her back again. ~Enid Bagnold

Happy Fathers Day Quotes 1

“One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.”

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After working as digital marketing consultant for 4 years Deepak decided to leave and start his own Business. To know more about Deepak, find him on Facebook, LinkedIn now.


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