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HomeSoftwares/Apps5 Game-changing Ticketing Tools for Contact Centers

5 Game-changing Ticketing Tools for Contact Centers

For today’s contact centers, delivering fast customer service and memorable customer experiences is a key business imperative. For this, it’s important to streamline the support process by organizing every customer’s query or complaint into a user-friendly ticketing system. Such a tool provides a seamless and proactive way of logging, tracking, and monitoring tickets in order to serve customers and enhance their experiences. It can be especially helpful in omnichannel settings where queries can come in from multiple channels.

Game-changing Ticketing Tools for Contact Centers

Benefits of Customer Support Ticketing Tools

A helpdesk ticketing system simplifies the management of customer interactions from different channels, such as email, social media, phone, and even live chat, by creating a ticket for each interaction. An efficient tool that integrates with a CRM platform and provides a single intuitive interface, enables agents to access customer information and get the right context for each conversation. This allows them to provide more personalized and meaningful support to each customer. A ticketing tool may also provide self-service capabilities for customers who prefer to do things their way without talking to an agent.

Other benefits of a customer support ticketing tool:

  • Keep better track of queries with automation, unification and contextualization
  • Prioritize queries for faster remediation and closure
  • Manage agents’ workload for improved productivity
  • Track and measure agent performance with respect to SLAs and KPIs
  • Automate ticket creation and assignment
  • Improve both Customer Experience (CX) and Employee Experience (EX)

Here are 5 game-changing ticketing tools for contact centers:

  1. Ameyo
  2. CXInfinity
  3. HappyFox
  4. Zendesk
  5. Freshdesk

1. Ameyo 

Ameyo’s ticketing platform enables agents to convert customer queries from multiple channels into tickets at any stage of the customer’s journey. From a single, intuitive interface, they get a holistic view of all ticket-related information so they can track, prioritize, and resolve queries quickly and efficiently. Ticket creation and assignment are automated, so agents can focus on more important tasks like initiating meaningful conversations, and delivering great CX.

The platform provides numerous world-class features including Unified Agent Desktop, heat maps for ticket prioritization, and SLA management. Agents can also map customers’ previous interactions and merge them into one ticket. With these functionalities, they can drive qualified and more contextual conversations, and deliver more personalized support.

Supervisors can automate ticket assignment by setting relevant business/routing rules and creating workflows on the basis of preferred language, location, product, persona, etc. They can also design tailored workflows to automate replies for tickets created outside business hours. They can then assign these tickets to agents during business hours with appropriate routing logic.

For multi-departmental issues, agents can create “linked” tickets with a parent-child hierarchy. They can also create “lite” tickets when tickets are resolved in the first contact, and no additional actions are required. This helps them quickly update status and save time, so they can quickly move on to the next customer. The platform integrates with all leading CRM platforms, email marketing tools, and lead management software, so agents can access relevant and contextual customer information for personalized and meaningful interactions.

The Ameyo ticketing tool offers enterprise-grade data security and customer privacy and is compliant with numerous industry-standard security frameworks, including PCI-DSS, ISO/IEC 27018, and ISO-27001.

2. CXInfinity Case Management

CXInfinity Case Management

CXInfinity case management tool is part of its AI-driven digital omnichannel solution. It comes with a number of productivity- and efficiency-boosting features so agents can do much more than simply raising and handling cases. They can access the contact center’s knowledge base, focus their attention on complex issues, and have informed conversations with customers to make them happy and improve their experiences with the contact center.

For conversations that involve multiple channels, agents can effortlessly shift channels on a unified and dedicated workspace without switching screens or missing crucial contextual cues. This platform grabs the relevant information from CRM and other applications to equip agents with everything they need even before they start a conversation. The workspace provides an integrated view of conversations across multiple channels, plus customer interaction history and other details.

With this AI-driven solution, conversational chatbots can handle level 1 queries, so agents can give maximum attention to high-value interactions, improve resolution frequency, and reduce customer hold and handling times. The tool seamlessly integrates with multiple 3rd-party applications so agents can provide even more proactive assistance to customers with enhanced personalization while building 1×1 relationships.

3. HappyFox

HappyFox provides effortless ticket management for contact centers, regardless of their audience or industry type. The platform supports multi-channel ticketing so agents can seamlessly manage customer conversations, no matter where they originate – email, social, live chat, forms, or phone. All incoming tickets are automatically sorted into different categories like customer support, sales, marketing, etc, based on priority. Each ticket is organized based on pre-determined “smart rules” so that queues are managed logically and seamlessly.

Agents can even manage their own queues, with priorities varying and auto-adjusting by responsibilities. They can also search for older tickets, or “pin” specific tickets. This helps them find what they need quickly, set or adjust their priorities, and organize their time better. With features like ticket threads and tags, agents can keep track of every conversation and activity. They can respond better to customers with a rich text editor, auto-save replies, and even send attachments. For simpler tickets that just require an acknowledgment, they can take advantage of the instant preview and quick reply capabilities without ever having to open the ticket. Canned actions, pre-composed replies, and built-in self-service capabilities enable them to save even more time and reduce effort.

In HappyFox, tickets can be easily sliced and diced into more manageable chunks to simplify and speed up resolution. Other changes to priorities, ticket status, and due dates can be made right from the ticket list to save time, organize the queue, and simplify life for the agents who will be managing these tickets. Bulk changes and mass replies are also possible, which can be a boon for busy contact centers and overwhelmed agents.

4. Zendesk

Zendesk is one of the most well-known names in the contact center ticketing space – and with good reason. Its ticketing tool seamlessly connects customer support teams with customers across multiple platforms and channels. So no matter how a customer reaches out, the platform collects, logs, and tracks every interaction. It also keeps every conversation going on any channel without losing context, so customers don’t have to repeat themselves and get faster resolutions to their queries.

The tool is a boon for agents as well. Each ticket is assigned a unique reference number and status, so agents can easily prioritize and manage their workflow. They can access and manage all information from one centralized hub, get a comprehensive view of the entire customer journey and the right context, regardless of where the conversation originated. Consequently, they can stop making customers wait, and start conversations almost instantaneously.

The tool’s centralized hub and analytics capabilities make it easy for supervisors to track their team’s performance metrics, KPIs, and SLAs, and ensure that they are meeting expectations. They can even set up alerts for tickets that have not been picked up in a timely manner. By identifying problems early, they can take quick action to ensure that customer satisfaction is not adversely affected.

5. Freshdesk

Freshdesk’s ticketing tool was acknowledged as a “visionary” on Gartner’s 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for the CRM Customer Engagement Center. The platform is powered by Artificial Intelligence and offers collaborative ticketing to boost agent productivity and ensure fast responses to customers.

With omnichannel support, customer issues originating from any channel can be converted into tickets in Freshdesk, ensuring that no conversation slips through the cracks. The system is designed for team collaboration and agent productivity. Every ticket can be assigned to a specific agent and/or group, so there is no confusion about who should be working on what or when. Agents can share ownership without losing visibility; they can also have discussions right inside the ticket with full context. If another agent is viewing or replying to a ticket, a “collision detection” feature ensures that there is no effort replication or mistakes. Tickets can be split into sub-tickets with multiple teams working on them in parallel to speed up resolution.

In Freshdesk, tickets can be prioritized based on keywords, or filtered based on specific properties to ensure that the most important tickets are front and center. Agents can link and keep track of tickets related to similar issues. They can also send bulk updates to customers to save time and effort. The platform’s unique Freddy AI provides even more powerful ticketing capabilities. Freddy automatically suggests fields to categorize, prioritize and route incoming tickets, recommends the best knowledgebase articles to agents for faster resolution, and even prevents ticket reopens when customers respond with a thank you.

Freshdesk takes care of SLA management by setting performance thresholds that can be managed and optimized over time.  This enables supervisors to set expectations for response time, and measure how well agents are able to meet them.

A Final Word

Today’s contact center ticketing systems are much more than simply issue logs. Powered by new-age technologies like Artificial Intelligence, and equipped with advanced agent productivity, efficiency, and performance tools, a ticketing tool can be a true game-changer for ambitious, customer-focused contact centers.

He is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets and Gaming. you can connect with him on Facebook | Linkedin | mail:


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