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HomeResourcesThe Art Of Working Remotely: How To Ensure Productivity

The Art Of Working Remotely: How To Ensure Productivity

The current situation of the world has lead companies to take extraordinary measures to ensure the safety of their workforce. A company as big as Google had to make work from home compulsory for their employees. Some other companies like Twitter and Amazon also adopted the practice of working from home. Wherever possible work from home is being implemented at least until the situation with COVID-19 gets in control.

The Art Of Working Remotely

Working from home while sounds fun can be quite tricky to adapt to. For people who have never considered home as a workplace and don’t know how to balance work in their household can have problems when it comes to being productive. A 9 to 5 job has made people accustomed to going to their office on a specific time and complete their task with the confinement of the office and office hours. When at home, the whole system of office work ethics is lost and a person can become unproductive.

Here are some tips that will help those who are having trouble adjusting to the current situation.

Accept the change

You need to accept and embrace the change that has occurred in your life. This does not mean that you have to force it. Change takes time and instead of mimicking your office routine on the first day, slowly adjust to the routine. Remember that this might be new for your co-workers as well and give them some space and time to adjust to the new situation and help them with it as well.

Get the necessary equipment

Just like you managed your desk at the office you need to acquire office that will make it easier for you to complete your daily tasks as quickly as possible. If your work requires you to be online a lot then you need to get a good internet connection like Mediacom or Cox. You can choose some of the best offers and deals presented by Mediacom in the following Link and you will not be disappointed: A capable laptop or PC to complete your work will be a nice investment to make. Anything that will help you increase productivity, just keep in mind to not overspend on the luxury thinking it to be necessary.

Set a Xschedule

After you have adjusted a little to the workflow at home, you need to set a schedule for yourself. When you used to work in an office space, you had your co-workers with you most of the time. Set a schedule so that you don’t isolate yourself so much. Set a break for yourself every couple of hours to talk to or chat with your family, friends, or even co-workers. Share your schedule with the family as well, because they might not be used to you working from home. This will help them understand that you are at work and not just surfing on the internet. Make your family aware of your working hours so that when you are working they won’t bother you for unimportant things.

Seclude your workspace

If you are living alone then it will be easy for you to create a secluded workspace for yourself in your home. If you are living with other people in your home find a place whether a room or a part of a room where family traffic is quite low and make your family aware of that space so that they can leave you to work in your workspace with no distractions. A secluded workspace will also help you mentally different working hours from leisure time.

Communication with Co-workers

You need to be proactive and communicate your issues with the work to your co-workers. If you are managing a team then increasing the number of meetings would be a good solution, so that everyone can update their progress and their problems to the team. If you are working in a team then you should send updates to your manager instead of waiting for them to ask for them. Even individual conversations with your co-workers regarding work over the phone or email correspondence will help you increase productivity.

Adopt daily exercise

Staying at home all day can have negative effects on your mental as well as physical health. Add Exercise to your daily routine. Go for a walk daily so that you have a reason to go outside your home. Eat healthily and don’t overwork yourself as well. If you start getting frustrated with something regarding your work just take a break and go for a walk to ease your mind.

Enjoy the luxuries of your home

Lastly, you should enjoy your time working from home as well. Put on music in the background during work with whatever genre of music you like and no one can tell you to turn down the music or change the song. Play a game while waiting for your co-worker’s response to the work-related email you sent him. Catch up on the TV shows with the time you saved from your commutes to your office. Enjoy the freedom that works from home gives you and maintain a balance between work and play since we all know that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

He is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets and Gaming. you can connect with him on Facebook | Linkedin | mail:


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