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HomeTechnologyServerless Computing: How It’s Going To Affect App Development In 2019

Serverless Computing: How It’s Going To Affect App Development In 2019

A crucial trend emerging in cloud computing is the rapidly reducing complexity and size of the infrastructure needed to create innovation. As a matter of fact, an advanced technology known as “serverless” computing is now making the virtual and physical servers, which developers use to run applications, completely invisible.

How It’s Going To Affect App Development In 2019

Currently, most developers spend too much time managing servers as well as tending to other infrastructure issues. But, with the help of serverless computing, developers can now enjoy doing what they love— writing code and making the “next big thing” without any hassle.

Serverless Computing Defined and What It Means For App Development

App development keeps progressing which allows app developers to get their apps into production at a faster rate. But in today’s rapidly evolving market, regardless of how fast you deliver the app, it seems like it is just not fast enough.

 The need for rapid app development explains why serverless computing has become popular and the talking point in most of the top application development companies.

Servers are where applications run. Servers communicate with each other, contains IP addresses that need to be discovered, and those servers occasionally go down. Long before you develop any app, you will need to pay attention to the server development.

Well, not anymore.

Serverless computing means that app developers can only focus on building their app, while the backend system that supports the app (known as the server) is taken care of by someone else.

How It’s Going To Affect App Development In 2019

It doesn’t mean that there isn’t a server but merely implies that the app developer is oblivious to the infrastructure that hosts the app. So, rather than having a single server supporting a specific application, in serverless computing, a cluster of servers is providing a system for several applications.

How Serverless Computing Help transform App Development in 2019

Serverless computing comes with 5 major advantages that will help to transform app development this year. It includes:

  1. Reduced Launch Time + Better Use of Resources

In a traditional app development scenario, app developers need to have an acute understanding of the server concept. In serverless computing, app developers will do what they know best, like developing codes.

Developers are relieved of the administrative problems and hassles of managing backend operations like managing and running the app, infrastructure security, high-availability, and app scalability.

Thus, serverless computing allows software application development companies to focus on developing value-adding codes and launching their apps much faster.

  1. Lowering The Cost of Cloud

Serverless computing should only execute a user’s function in response to particular events that are determined by the developer. It shouldn’t cost anything when it is not in use, meaning that companies will no longer need to have idle computer resources.

These models allow advanced computing services to be provided on-demand when triggered by particular actions set by the developers, like a simple HTTP request, or uploading an image. Users will only pay for the actual running time.

  1. Improved Geolocation and Latency

An application’s ability to scale largely depends on 3 things: the number of users, the users’ locations and its network latency. The apps of today have global audiences that can create latencies which diminish experiences.

However, with serverless computing, providers have points of presence near every user and the apps perform equally well for every user.

  1. Promotes Development of IoT and Cognitive Apps of the Future

Serverless platforms, such as OpenWhisk from IBM, can be used to create a broad range of applications that can easily integrate with advanced techs, like data analytics and cognitive intelligence.

How It’s Going To Affect App Development In 2019

Mobile apps, Internet of Things devices and apps, and cognitive chatbots are among the most popular apps on most serverless platforms.

  1. Enables Simple and Intrinsic Growth

Whether an application needs to run once a week or a thousand times per second, serverless computing provides inherent scaling. Companies and organizations will no longer need to purchase infrastructure which they may never use to handle unexpected growth. Serverless architectures scale up or down in sync with user demand.

John Paul
John Paul
John is a full-time blogger and loves to write on gadgets, search engine trends, web designing & development, social media, new technologies, and entrepreneurship. You may connect with him on Facebook, Twittter and LinkedIn.


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