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Importance of Digital Marketing Today

As new technologies unfold, Digital Marketing keeps getting more important. Every single Business is going online in this day and age. Almost all the old Businesses have started to accept that to remain a relevant part of today’s world, they must use Digital Marketing.

 Businesses are trying their best to keep up with the times. Before there was a thing known as the Internet, people used to market their products by going to people’s house, ringing bells and interacting with them. It was hard. No matter the weather, they had to go out to post pictures of their products on the walls, posts ads in the newspapers, market their products on TV. But this has all changed. Digital Marketing has changed the landscape of marketing, today.

Importance of Digital Marketing

Why Digital Marketing Is Important

  • In 2016, 34% Businesses have changed their traditional marketing ways to Digital Marketing ways.
  • More than 70% marketers firmly believe that the future of marketing is through Digital Marketing. And the revenues of their Businesses have grown by 30%, in 2017.
  • 80% Businesses have increased the budget of their Digital Marketing section, which is even beyond the IT budget, in 2017.

Reasons for the Importance of Digital Marketing

The following are the reasons why Digital Marketing has become a giant and why it is so important nowadays.

  1.    Bridges the gap between Small Businesses and Large Businesses

The biggest reason why Digital Marketing is at the forefront nowadays is that it provides equal footing for small Businesses as well as large Businesses. No one is left out. Both small and large Business will have a chance to expose their products as much as they can with the help of an Internet connection.

  1.   Costs lesser than Traditional Marketing

It is crystal clear that Digital Marketing is very cost-effective. In the old days, people had to market their products by using printers. They had to pay huge amounts of money to expose their products to people. They had to use TV ads, newspapers, banners, billboards to promote their products but now, all they have to do is to promote their products with the help of Social Media websites, SEO experts, content through blogs or any other way through the internet.

  1.   Instant Connection with Targeted Audience

With the help of Digital Marketing, Businesses can now easily interact with their specific customers. By making their pages on Social Media websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, also many other popular platforms like Pinterest, they can create a connection with their targeted audience.

  1.   Caters to the Mobile Users

Almost everyone has a mobile these days. They do everything on their phones, especially shopping. With just a few clicks, a consumer can make transactions for a product. Hence, Digital Marketing has made it easier for companies to market their products on apps, as well as websites.

  1.   Builds Business into a Brand

By creating a website and Social Media pages on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, you can build your reputation as a legitimate Business. When people see a Business that is digitally diverse, they immediately think that this Business is a brand. This can increase a Business’s reputation, exponentially.

After working as digital marketing consultant for 4 years Deepak decided to leave and start his own Business. To know more about Deepak, find him on Facebook, LinkedIn now.


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