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How To Merge PDF Files

PDFs are normally employed as official online documents, so understanding how to convert from and to the file format is an essential professional talent. So is arranging various PDF files into a sole file. We will tell you how to achieve both these jobs no matter what platform you ware working on—and it does not have to cost you a single dime.

How To Merge PDF Files

The Windows Method

The following technique employs the best PDF editor you can download, Adobe Acrobat DC. Acrobat DC is premium tool, indicating you require paying for the freedom of employing it. Luckily, there is a free trial you can employ. That is useful if you plan to do all your merging jobs in the upcoming time or only require combining a couple of PDF files this one time. Apart from this, there are a set of options out there that might be sufficient.

Step 1: Install the free trial of Adobe Acrobat DC.

Step 2: Once downloaded, launch the software and tap the tab named “Tools” present in the left-hand corner at the top.

Step 3: Tap the button named “Combine Files.”

Step 4: Tap the blue button named “Add Files” and chose the PDF files you need to merge. It must be noted that this technique operates for all kinds of files, not only PDFs.

Step 5: With your selected PDFs, tap the blue button named “Combine” present in the right-hand corner at the top.

Step 6: Your PDFs have now been collaborated into a single document. All you require do is save it to a new destination, which you can do by tapping File >> Save As and then choose a name and destination for your new document.

If you do not like the thought of employing Adobe’s tool, then there are a plethora of 3rd-party choices to mull over that are developed particularly for Windows. An effective and cheap alternative is Perfect PDF Combine, which might be very helpful if you end up merging a number of PDFs and need an app devoted to assisting you out.

On the other hand, have a look at some of the online alternatives mentioned further. All of them are equally effective and free at merging PDF files mutually.

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The Mac Method

The newest edition of MacOS allows you to employ Preview to merge PDFs—so long as you are aware what you are doing. It is a fairly organic procedure that you must be capable of picking up swiftly, particularly if you follow the given below steps.

If you need to pace up the procedure, learning the keyboard shortcuts for MacOS really helps.

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Step 1: Launch Finder and choose all the PDF files that you want to merge.

Step 2: Open all the files. This will bring them up in an easy Preview mode. If you have a bigger screen, it is very helpful to space out these Preview panels so you can view all of them immediately. You will at least need to be capable of seeing two Preview panels simultaneously.

Step 3: For every panel, choose Thumbnails in the View menu. This will launch a sidebar that shows a thumbnail for every page in that specific PDF.

Step 4: Employing drag and drop, make the precise PDF you wish by either dragging the complete PDF into another to merge them or dragging the thumbnails into a particular order.

There are visual clues on where pages will come into view as you tap, drag, and drop them (they might be recognizable if you utilize PowerPoint). These comprise a divider line that displays if a page is being dragged below or above the present page. Employ these signs to stop making errors while making your master file. You can also rotate and rearrange pages as required.

Step 5: Once done, make certain to rename the newly combined document so that you can identify it.

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Mojave Method

Even though MacOS has long supported combining PDF files, MacOS Mojave makes it simpler. The new Finder displays previews of your documents and includes a contextual menu on the side, letting Mac consumers to make a number of swift actions. One of those actions is the capability of combining PDFs. With Finder experience of Mojave, you can choose two PDFs to combine into one, or select two types of file and merge them into one PDF by tapping the suitable button in the sidebar.

You can locate the quick action menu underneath the separate properties of the document you have selected on the right-hand side. If the merge function is not obviously accessible, tapping the “more” logo might bring it up.

The Web Method

There are number of web-based, free tools that will let you to combine PDF files. This is a good news for you. If you require merging files swiftly, this might be the best alternative since these software do not actually care where your PDF documents are going or where they come from. In addition to this, they do not need installing any extra programs. They do tend to limit the size, although.

Here are some of the most popular tools for combining PDF files, but remember that they all essentially do the same job. If you run into formatting problems with one tool, then try a different one.

PDF Joiner

PDF Joiner is perfect for all kinds of file format changes and shifts. Yes, you can merge PDFs, but you can also modify your merged document to a JPG or text file (or vice versa). If you are attempting to merge many different forms into one, this tool acts as a great option to help you out. On the other hand, the software only lets you to operate with 20 files at a time.


Use PDFMerge, and you will see an easy window having lines for dragging and dropping multiple PDF files. You can select almost 4 files at a time, and include more files as required. The tool offers an easy “Merge!” alternative to merge them. On the other hand, note that the tool is only free if you are dealing with files less than 10 MB. After that, it will ask you for a fee.

Read Also – Docs.Zone: Combining PDF File Online

Foxyutil’s Merge PDF

Foxyutil provides a cute feature. If you combine PDF files, you will assist in sponsoring a project related to tree planting. That is great for eco-friendly firms, too bad the utmost file size is restricted to 50 MB.

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Smallpdf claims that it is simple to download documents straight from Google Drive or Dropbox, meaning you do not have to waste any time uploading the documents if you have done so earlier. That is great for shared projects, and in general, the Smallpdf companioning tool operates hard to be a more professional option. The software evidently defines its security, for example, and lets you to see your new PDF file as you make it.

Now that you are aware of how to merge different PDFs into a single file, get started with it. If you feel that this article was helpful, do let us know by commenting below. In addition to this, you can also write to us some more tips that you are aware of. We would be happy to include them.

He is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets and Gaming. you can connect with him on Facebook | Linkedin | mail:
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