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HomeSocial MediaBuild Your Brand With Social Media: A Step-By-Step Guide For 2020

Build Your Brand With Social Media: A Step-By-Step Guide For 2020

Social media has become the number one means of brand awareness and marketing in the world. With more than 3.2 million active users from across the world, it will provide businesses with an impressive audience reach. So, you just need to master all the required skills in working with social media to build your brand in 2020. Many marketers might consider social media marketing to be very easy, but in reality, they will be outcompeted by their rivals.

In this article, we are going to provide you with a step-by-step guide in order to build your brand in 2020 efficiently.

Build Your Brand With Social Media

1.    Goals

First, you have to set goals. It is obvious that marketing on social media is finally for increasing sales. However, you need to define clear goals in more detail to be able to measure your performance on social media. You need to list some certain, achievable goals which can be calculated and analyzed.

For example, you can define a certain number of following, comments, likes, shares, etc. which you expect to reach within a specific period. By this vision, you can track the changes in your results and optimize your activities accordingly.

Goals also give you control of your brand’s identity and ensure that people see what you want to show them. Most people google relevant keywords before purchasing any product/service. So, in your missions, you need to establish your identity and make people accept you as an authority in your niche.

2.    Audience

You need to target your audience to be able to define your strategies based on their characteristics. Target audiences can affect all other steps in your journey to build a brand on social media. For example, the platform(s) suitable for marketing, the content(s) you have to generate, the tone of engagement you have to adopt, etc.

Depending on the type of your product, the specific parts of society might be your target audience. Target audiences are those who are highly likely to purchase your products/services. You need to categorize them using some clear factors like age, weight, gender, color, profession, and location. Also, you can take this a step further and classify them in terms of personality in order to know what the best way of reaching out to them is.

The clearer you define your potential customers, the more efficient you can define your strategies to reach them. So, you have to target exactly those who need your product or service the most.

Build Your Brand With Social Media

3.    Platform

Generally, you need all top social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc. to promote your business. But if you want to be more efficient especially when you are a beginner, you have to start with only two to three social media accounts.

Your focus on content and engagement is the most important factor, especially in the first months. If you divide your power over several channels, it will take long for you to become an authority in your niche.

Our suggestion is to use social media automation tools in order to facilitate your performance on all your social accounts. This will decrease the likelihood of making mistakes and unify the style, tone, and schedule of your activities all over social media. Also, you can manage to assign a certain percentage of your time on a specific platform on which you have more followers.

4.    Content

Content generation is the most important task every marketer must do to gain followers and convert them to customers. Quantity and quality of your content alike are paramount. You need to be creative enough to generate quality contents as many as you can.

Of course, an exact audience targeting can help to focus so that your content be desirable for your audience. For example, if you have a vegetarian restaurant, you need to focus on health, environment, losing weight, animal right, etc. in your content marketing. By this approach, you can target those who are inclined to eat low-fat, vegetarian dishes.

Another important matter regarding content is your schedule. You need to define an exact calendar for your posting. Content schedules allow you to keep your work on track, engage better with your followers, avoid the last-minute mistakes, and save your resources.

Depending on your audience, you can optimize your posting time with an easy task of try and error. You need to estimate the best time that your target audiences are likely online and have time to engage with you. This is an important step in building a brand via social media.

5.    Engagement

Without a consistent engagement, your investment in the previous steps would not result in boosting your sales. If you want to build brand loyalty, you need to set aside certain times for engaging with your audiences. There are several important points to which you have to pay attention.

First, you need to define an efficient schedule for engagement. Our suggestion is to engage with your followers some minutes after each post.

Build Your Brand With Social Media

Another matter is to adopt a suitable voice in your engagement. People do not like to speak with a vending machine. So, do not speak with your followers like a robot and instead try to be more human. This will help you to build trust and convert your followers into customers.

Try not to ignore any of the comments and feedback. Reply to all questions and suggestions your followers might have about your products/services. This can build customer loyalty and ensure your sales in a long-term investment.

6.    Influencers

Influencer marketing has become a powerful tool for boosting businesses. So, we have categorized it as a separate section in your marketing steps via social media. You need to recognize influential personalities in your niche and try to collaborate with them in order to gain followers.

People usually pay attention to what famous people say or suggest. So, if you want to foster the process of brand awareness, you have to spend a little money and use this method. Of course, depending on your marketing budget, you can choose the more relevant influencers with more followers. Please try to study carefully all suitable options to avoid any probable mistake in your investment. According to Social Tradia, many people want search for influencer’s Instagram accounts for sale to buy and reach their audiences.

7.    Analytics

You can expect a high ROI only by consistently analyzing your performance and optimizing your activities. Your efforts and investments during the above stages must be measured by suitable metrics to show your strengths and weaknesses.

Every social media platform has its own Analytics tool by which you can analyze your results and track the changes. Also, Google Analytics is a powerful tool you can take advantage of in order to measure and compare your strategies.


We have summarized the process of branding and building your brand identity on social media in 7 steps. Of course, these stages can be expanded depending on the type and application of your products or services. Try to study more similar examples of branding in your niche. This will help you to avoid making similar mistakes to previous unsuccessful social media marketing strategies.

John Paul
John Paul
John is a full-time blogger and loves to write on gadgets, search engine trends, web designing & development, social media, new technologies, and entrepreneurship. You may connect with him on Facebook, Twittter and LinkedIn.


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