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Why Digital Marketing is Important for your Brand

Marketing has always been about spreading a message, whether it’s making people aware of your brand in the first place or letting them know about a new product or service you’re offering. And you only need to look to your own behavior as a consumer to see how digital platforms have become the most important way to reach potential customers. If you’re looking for the perfect gift for a loved one, a new restaurant to try, or checking out customer reviews before you purchase that big ticket item, your journey starts online – and so does your potential customer’s. This is why digital marketing is so crucial to the growth and development of your brand.

Digital Marketing

It’s all in the Search:

One enormous advantage that digital marketing has over traditional media is the ability to target consumers who are actively looking for a service or product they need right now, and right in the area where you can provide it for them. If you aren’t showing up in those search results, then the sad truth is that your competitors will be. Learning to do your own SEO and run your own Google AdWords campaigns can be the best investment you make in your education as a business owner, but if it all seems a bit too technical, then partnering with a digital marketing agency is definitely your best bet.

It’s the most cost-effective form of marketing you can invest in:

Big brands have the marketing budget to take out large scale TV and radio ads and run print media campaigns that reach thousands of people, some of whom might just be in the market for the product they’re offering. Digital marketing on the other hand gives smaller and less established brands the chance to target just the market they’re after, and at a fraction of the cost. It makes a lot more sense to have your company’s name appear before 500 people who are actually looking to buy right now, than 500,000 people picked at random. When you take your marketing digital, this is exactly what you can accomplish.

It’s measurable:

Another huge benefit of digital marketing is that you can get practically instantaneous feedback on how each of your tactics and campaigns are performing. It’s easy to see at a glance which of your blog and social media posts are getting the best response, which of your ads are getting people to click on them, and just as importantly, which are being completely ignored! This gives you extremely valuable insight into the kind of strategies that resonate with your target market, so you can replicate and even improve on them.

Quality content is always going to win the day:

Even if your marketing budget is next to nothing, Google is always going to reward those who provide captivating, educational and engaging content. If you consistently publish content that answers the questions people are asking, you’re going to appear in the top of Google’s search results, and that’s how you get new customers to visit your website for the first time. Make your website a treasure trove of information, and you’ll be rewarded with increased traffic and more sales. Everyone wins!

Reaching the mobile market:

In a world where everyone has a miniature computer in their pocket, digital marketing is the way to reach the biggest numbers of potential customers. Even in developing countries where many people might not have access to computers and laptops, affordable smartphones are opening up the digital realm to millions. The more this happens, the bigger the slice of the pie you could be missing out on! Making sure your website is mobile-friendly and ready to receive those visitors is therefore crucial.

Digital marketing lets you create real value for your customers:

As an expert in your field, you’ve got information and advice that you can offer over and above what you’re actually selling. Whether you promote events and expos related to your field on your Facebook page, give out a few handy tips on Twitter, answer questions on LinkedIn or publish insightful and useful blog posts on your website, digital avenues are all ways in which you can build loyalty and credibility among your target market. And then when the time finally comes for them to buy, they’re far more likely to buy from you!

That’s what building a brand is about, after all.

After working as digital marketing consultant for 4 years Deepak decided to leave and start his own Business. To know more about Deepak, find him on Facebook, LinkedIn now.


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