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What Is SEO In Marketing

SEO stands for search engine optimization and it normally involves making changes to a webpage to enable it to be indexed more efficiently, hence improving its chances of appearing on the first page of a search engine result.

What Is SEO In Marketing

What Does SEO Have To Do With Marketing?

Any company looking to grow must make sales. To make sales, these companies must market their products or services. The easiest and most effective way to reach customers is through the world wide web. But the internet is crowded with thousands of other businesses screaming for the attention of the same customers.

To be heard you must scream louder than everyone else, you must be right in your customers’ face i.e. on the first few pages of search engine result pages whenever they search for products or services that you offer. SEO deals with making changes to a webpage in order to make it rank better in organic search results, ergo its importance.

Bottom line: SEO is important in the world of marketing because it deals with improving online visibility and most marketing today is done online.

Content Is At The Heart of SEO 

Use blogs to your advantage. They are helpful in generating positive SEO. How?

Blogs account for 434% more indexed pages and 97% more indexed links, according to a study by demand metric. This means that blogs go a long way in improving website visibility.

SEO Is More Than Using Keywords 

When it comes to creating blogs or any other content for SEO purposes, one must be careful of the changes in search engine trends. The days of relying solely on the strategic placement of keywords and keyword density are quickly fading. Nowadays, search engines are more focused on user intent, which is the goal users have in mind when entering a search query. Search engines analyze correlations between the words used in the search query to derive what users want from that search. Most times people’s searches are either informational, transactional or navigational.

For example, a company that sells fruits carries out keyword research and determines that the keywords used for a particular search for radishes in California are “California radishes,” so they decide to use that for their ads. Unfortunately, most people who searched for radishes entered “planting California radishes” into the search bar and were shown blogs about how to plant radishes in the state of California. In this situation, the fruit company failed to take user intent into consideration and assumed that all who used the keyword “California radishes” would be looking to purchase fruits. However, this was not the case as most people who used the keywords were looking for information about planting radishes.

If your SEO efforts focus solely on keyword text data, then you may not achieve the results you desire because user intent has taken a more prominent role in deciding what makes it into a SERP.

Specific Keyword Placements Make Ads More Effective 

Carrying out keyword research (taking intent into consideration) and then incorporating it into ads goes a long way in making the ad more visible to the customers looking for that particular service. However, the art of using keywords for PPC is also changing as search engines like Google no longer operate solely around keywords, even when showing ads.

Google will show ads for searches it thinks are relevant to the product in the ad. Also, Google will usually only show ads when it thinks users’ search queries are transactional in nature. So just like in our example above, if you were to use the keywords “California radishes” in your ads, Google will only show your ads when a search is transactional in nature, even if the keywords “California radishes” are used in the search query.

Keeping up with these changes in search algorithms and trends can be arduous for the average Joe trying to run a small to medium-sized business, that’s why it’s best to leave the complicated SEO tasks to forward-thinking companies like who keep up with these trends.

John Paul
John Paul
John is a full-time blogger and loves to write on gadgets, search engine trends, web designing & development, social media, new technologies, and entrepreneurship. You may connect with him on Facebook, Twittter and LinkedIn.


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