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HomeTechnologyTraditional Areas Of Biometric Technology Applications

Traditional Areas Of Biometric Technology Applications

Market applications of biometric technologies are extremely diverse. However, they may be abrupt according to their use. The police forces are one of the most outstanding clients. However, civilian uses are gaining ground, notably in the area of ​​access control. Access control applications can be used to control people’s physical access to facilities, or to secure access to sensitive data. They can serve to protect payment systems against fraud, to prevent illegal immigrants from entering the country, or to prevent prisoners from escaping from prisons. In either case, access control is the primary objective, ensuring that authorized individuals can enter a particular area and unauthorized persons are prevented.

Traditional Areas Of Biometric Technology Applications

This is a rapidly expanding market. Fraud is a growing problem and security is becoming a necessity in many situations. Accordingly, access control in civil activities is not restricted to applications in the areas mentioned below and may encompass other market opportunities as soon as they are identified.

Police forces

Probably the police community is the largest group of biometrics users. Law enforcement agencies around the world use Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS) technology to prosecute criminal suspects, compare digital images and bring guilty criminals to justice. Some biometric providers are succeeding in this area, mainly using AFIS and palm-reading technologies.


Banks have been analyzing a wide range of biometric technologies for years. Fraud and security holes need to be controlled if banks want to continue to compete in the diverse financial services industry. Weak connections, such as Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) and point-of-sale transactions, are particularly vulnerable to fraud and can be ensured by biometric technologies. Other emerging markets, such as telephone banking and online banking, should also be safe for customers and bankers.

Payment systems

Payment systems, like banks, are particularly vulnerable to fraud. Again, various technologies are being evaluated, noting that the use of fingerprints is the most widespread. In this area, AFIS technology and one-to-one verification are used to assess whether the required payment has received a legitimate authentication.

Computer systems

Fraudulent access to computer systems may affect private computer networks or the Internet itself. Confidentiality is lost and the network is unable to perform at its full capacity until all security is rescued. Biometric technologies are proving that they are better able to ensure the security of computer networks. This area of ​​the market has enormous potential, especially if the biometric industry can migrate to large-scale Internet applications. As bank details, corporate information, credit card numbers, medical information, and other forms of personal data become targets of attack, opportunities for biometric providers increase exponentially.


Terrorism, drug trafficking, illegal immigration and a growing influx of legal travelers are leaving immigration authorities in trouble around the world. It is essential that these authorities can quickly and automatically identify temporary visa travelers and lawbreakers. Biometric technologies are being used in many applications to make this possible.

The US Immigration and Naturalization Service is a major user and evaluator of various technologies. The systems are currently located throughout the United States to automate the flow of legal travelers and deter illegal immigrants. Across the globe, biometric technologies are captivating the imagination services of countries such as Australia, Bermuda, Germany, Malaysia and Taiwan. Canada as a developed country now relies on the technologies to keep the country safe. On the one hand, this situation is in accordance with services provided by sites such as to facilitate people from around the world to migrate to the North American country.

Switching from manual process to biometric systems prevents any system abuses and can be incorporated with time management software to produce management and personal reports.

John Paul
John Paul
John is a full-time blogger and loves to write on gadgets, search engine trends, web designing & development, social media, new technologies, and entrepreneurship. You may connect with him on Facebook, Twittter and LinkedIn.


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