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HomeSEOQuestions You Should Ask Before Finalizing An SEO Agency

Questions You Should Ask Before Finalizing An SEO Agency

If you are a beginner, SEO can be too overwhelming to handle all by yourself. But can you rely on SEO agencies when you have heard stories about all the frauds and scams that have been doing the rounds of social media pages for quite some time now? Yes, you can! Why? Because one bad experience doesn’t malign the entire industry!

Reputable SEO agencies like SEOlutions have a track record of clients who have been constantly ranking on the first pages of search engines, driving immense traffic on their website – you just need to learn how to recognize the gold amidst the coal. And here’s how you can do it.

Ask these questions (given below) to all the agencies that are on your list, analyze the answers and go for the bid! I am sure it wouldn’t let you down.

Questions You Should Ask Before Finalizing An SEO Agency

Is their real reputation positive?

You must be thinking that this is pretty simple and easy; you just need to go online and read their reviews. Unfortunately, it is not so straight forward. Reviews online are generally biased, incentivized, always positive and cherry-picked. The reason why it makes them so unreliable. You tell me, have many times have you come across negative reviews online? Very rarely, right? It is easy to generate positive reviews online. There have been cases when SEO agencies have threatened unsatisfied customers to only draft positive reviews and take off the negative ones. Long story short, you just CAN’T depend on these reviews. The best way to dig up their real reputation is to directly reach out to their clients. There is no better judge than the already experienced!

Do they specialize in SEO?

There are digital agencies who ALSO provide SEO services and then there are SEO agencies who JUST serve you with SEO. What would you prefer? I am sure most of you said, SEO Agencies for obvious reasons. Digital agencies have SEO as one of their services, among hosting, graphic designing, web designing. So naturally, they don’t really excel at it. While on the other hand, SEO agencies serve you with expertise as well as experience. Also, if a digital agency is surviving and has a good real reputation; it might be because of its other services, and not just SEO. Whereas if an SEO agency is at a good stature, it is only because they are good at SEO.

Are their results worth giving a shot?

Results – Everything comes down to this in the end! If the agency you are looking at is fulfilling the results you want, then why not? If you want rank #1 right from day one, it’s just being unrealistic from your end. But at the same time, if they are constantly hitting page 1 with most of their clients, their results are worth a shot. Visit their client’s websites and read about them, decipher the keywords they have targeted and then give it a Google search. Tools like Ahrefs can help you with that. The results will be your answer! Apart from that, if an agency can’t use its services to rank its own self, is it even worth the consideration? Like how do you define the competence if it didn’t work for its own self!

Are they transparent?

Most of the SEO agencies try and keep their techniques and strategies hidden, for a lot of reasons. Either because of the high levels of market saturation or to retain the unique flavor which is completely understandable. However, there must be some sort of transparency that ensures that the methods they are adopting are within the legal boundaries, or it can invite trouble for you and your company. So read the terms and conditions of each of the agencies that you have listed very carefully and pick out for the one who guarantees maximum transparency.

SEO is such an integral part, that hiring experts is certainly a better choice than taking the dig alone. Of course, it costs you a price, but if they help you achieve results that are way higher than the minimum price you have paid. It’s definitely not a bad investment!

John Paul
John Paul
John is a full-time blogger and loves to write on gadgets, search engine trends, web designing & development, social media, new technologies, and entrepreneurship. You may connect with him on Facebook, Twittter and LinkedIn.


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