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HomeSports/GamesLockdown Leisure: Enjoy Time with Your Friends Online

Lockdown Leisure: Enjoy Time with Your Friends Online

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. While in lockdown, it is easy to focus only on work and forget when your free time is and when you are on the clock. That is why you need other people, mainly your friends, to spend as much time with you as they did before.

Enjoy Time with Your Friends Online

But, to stop The Coof, we now need to do these things digitally and imagine new ways to entertain ourselves and our friends.

Thankfully, there are a lot of options out there, and the internet provides all sorts of activities that you can have. But, those of us with yellowing birth certificates will need to take a page from younger people and maybe check out some of the things they do regularly.

Things like live chatting during a movie or TV show, playing online games, or enjoying a digital round of poker might have been out of your scope of interest. But, as Shirley Curry, the famous Skyrim Grandma showed us, there is no age limit for having fun online.

Diversity is the Spice of Life

The longer you stay in quarantine the bigger issue boredom becomes.

Most people just have a couple of things they like to do at home. And, while we rush to do those things after work when we are home awake for just a few hours, they will become stale after a while.

This is why we need to introduce new ways to have fun. Who knows, maybe some of these things stay with us after the coast is clear and we can again roam the streets.

Pick up something you haven’t tried, and search the web about the things that would interest you. Loads of people only now found out that things like Japanese anime cartoons are their cup of tea, or that they really like playing online games.

In the last few months, online gaming and online gambling has skyrocketed, and for a good reason.

Don’t Forget Your Quarantine Buddies

If you have someone in your home that you are spending this time with, make sure that they are included. Regardless if they are your partner, your children, or even your parents, they might enjoy the same activities you do.

Ask them, honestly, how they usually spend their free time and if there are some things that they enjoy which you don’t know about. You might be amazed, especially when it comes to your children, how interesting some of these activities can be.

Not only will this be a great way to entertain yourself inside your home, but also a great bonding opportunity. Maybe you could all make a Minecraft world together.

Organize a Party

While there might not be as much walking around because the party would be online, it can still be a party.

You need music, you need entertainment, and you need your friends. Locations of the party were always secondary for having a good time, and it shouldn’t matter if now you move it to cyberspace.

Additionally, you can invite people from other places. Answer a few hookup apps and invite people to join you and your friends for your ‘drinks, snacks, and music’ Skype call. Everyone brings their own drinks as if you are back in high school.

Organize a Poker Night

Everybody can sit at their own table, but the gambling desk will be the same. You can still organize a poker night, the same way as always, but through a quality casino website like those listed at CasinoChap.

This way, you will also have a dedicated dealer to work for you and prevent any cheating from your friends. And, if you want to complete the experience, simply have the faces of other participants in split-screen. Those with a good poker face will still have an advantage here, as they did when you played IRL.

TV Conference

Move your web camera to your TV and use the huge screen to see all of the faces you are talking to. This way, you can hang back on your couch with a drink, as would all of your friends, and still spend hours talking about nothing.

And, since your phone is free, you can use that for private chats and side-searching. This way you could even make little private conversations in the middle of the big one, as you would when it is a larger crowd.

Finally, if you realize that all of you are a god’s gift to comedy, you can even make a public podcast from these hangouts, letting other people join the discussion.

He is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets and Gaming. you can connect with him on Facebook | Linkedin | mail:


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