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Hydroponics – A Background and Recent Developments

Hydroponics and the process of growing plants and living things hydroponically is a very interesting process indeed. The word “Hydroponic” is derived from Latin and translates to “working water.” In the most basic terms possible, this basically means the act of growing plants without the use of soil or earth.

Hydroponics, however, does not cover just one small process of growing plants. That one small process has a large number of areas that are fairly different from each other. In this post, we’re going to take a look at the various types of hydroponics that exist, including why each is used in different situations. We’ll also explore the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of hydroponics that are available, as well as what they can offer to different types of growing scenarios. In addition to this article, find more information on Hydroponics here at

Hydroponics - A Background and Recent Developments

Why Is Hydroponics Effective – How Can Plants Be Grown Without Soil?

Although you might think otherwise, the process and idea behind hydroponics is actually pretty simple. As long as a plant is able to obtain all of the hydration and nutrients that it needs to gain energy, it will be able to grow and thrive very well. In terms of hydroponics, providing a plant with all of this is actually easier than it is in soil.

Unlike when grown in soil, when plants are grown in water hydroponically they are in an absolutely optimum growth environment. They are able to get to all of the nutrients that they need right away, and they are very easy to obtain since they are in nutrient-rich water right below the roots of the plant.

This immediate and close availability of these nutrients means that the plants are able to get to and absorb them very easily and without a great deal of effort. On the contrary, the soil is not nearly as nutrient-dense as the water that is used in hydroponics. This means that the nutrients in the soil are further apart and require much more effort by the roots of the plant to find and take in. This is the case too even in the richest most nutrient-dense soil. With hydroponics, the nutrients that are needed by the plant are immediately available to the plant. In nutrient-rich soil, whilst very much available, the nutrients require more effort by the plant to source out than they do in the nutrient-rich water that is used whilst growing hydroponically. This large amount of effort that the rots are required to put out whilst growing in soil is instead used on the development of the plant when growing hydroponically.  

In Addition To Water, What Else Are Plants Grown In When Using Hydroponics? 

Of course, it’s impossible for the roots of a plant to be entirely supported by water. If this were to be the case, they would drown and never grow properly. In hydroponics, a material to maintain and support the roots of the plant must be used – this is known as a growing medium. The growing medium can be composed of a few different materials. However, the most common include sand, wool, and cotton.

It’s important to remember when trying to understand the hydroponic process that the growing medium does not hold any nutrients for the plants whatsoever. The sole purpose of the growing medium is to provide physical support for the plant that it can grow in.

Hydroponics Is Precise And Great For Research 

Since the grower that is attending to the plants being brown is solely responsible for their watering and feeding, it is so very important that they know how much and which water and nutrients the plants should receive at all times.

Due to the accurateness that is required in the hydroponic process, it’s very easy for the grower to measure the effect that different amounts of nutrients. Different amounts of nutrients and different types of nutrients can be added to the plant’s water by the growers. When plants are grown in soil, it is very difficult if not impossible to measure and detect exactly what nutrients and the quantities of each that they are receiving. On the contrary, it’s extremely easy to measure exactly this in the process of hydroponics. Not only can this be interesting, but it can allow growers and scientists alike to work out the absolute prime growing conditions for different types of plants.

Is Growing Plants Hydroponics Difficult? 

Contrary to popular belief or to what you might think when you first hear the name, hydroponic plant growing is actually very easy indeed. In many situations, it can be in fact easier than growing plants traditionally.

Dependant on what you want to gain from hydroponic plant growth, it can be taken as far as you would like. Technically speaking, “Hydroponics” simply refers to the growing of plants without soil, but instead with nutrient-rich water. This means, therefore, that hydroponics is not at all difficult. As long as you have sand, water, nutrients, and plant seeds, you can grow your plant hydroponically.

However, hydroponics like many other things can be made as complex or as basic as you would like. Plants that are being grown hydroponically are reliant on something or someone to ensure that they are appropriately fed and properly watered at all times. If not, they will become malnourished and perish as a result. This process is where hydroponics can become complicated if you want it to. Whilst plants only require basic nutrients and hydration to survive, if you would like to ensure that your plants are growing optimally and are in prime health, you’ll most likely find yourself immersed in some complex and different number situations.

How many nutrients and which nutrients a plant that’s being grown is fed can be minutely altered. These tiny alterations can have a considerable effect on plant growth. There is a lot of scope for scientific research in the hydroponic growth of plants, and that scope of research only continues to expand.

After working as digital marketing consultant for 4 years Deepak decided to leave and start his own Business. To know more about Deepak, find him on Facebook, LinkedIn now.


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