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HomeTechnologyHow To Introduce Chatbots Into Your Conversion Strategy

How To Introduce Chatbots Into Your Conversion Strategy

Chatbot is the new trends in today’s digital marketing. It can enhance the customer’s experience with your site and brand by answering your question instantly without waiting for a reply by human interaction. Today you will learn about chatbots and the role they play in your site’s conversion strategy.

How To Introduce Chatbots Into Your Conversion Strategy

What is ChatBot?

It is an artificial intelligence system that provides an interactive chat-based platform where the user can get instant reply or information quickly. Chatbot will act as a personal assistant that will give you the information you need or answer questions that you ask.

Artificial intelligence uses deep learning, natural language, and algorithms to understand or mimic human interaction. It has a massive data and program that predict the correct response should be to the end-user.

Develop Customer Service

Customer service is the key factor in improving the business you owned.

With the advance technology, Chatbot was developed to satisfy the user as they needed customer support 24/7. With Chatbots, information relay, data gathering, and even customer support can be applied 24/7 with less effort, time, and money.

People are willing to pay for faster customer service. They need fast and reliable information to decide something as fast as they can. They needed information to decide on what to do and what to buy or where to go as it can help them budget their money on hand. Chatbot isn’t just relying on information to the client but they can be used to boost your conversions too.

Information and Product Recommendation

Information is a powerful tool to get more clients or customers towards your business. Having users search through online stores to find what they are looking for, you can use ChatBot to bring those coveted items straight to them. It can save time and effort for the customer.

Using ChatBot to speak to customers on what they are looking for and provide them with the information they needed. ChatBot can also speak to the customer to find out what they need or what they are looking for to provide options that meet their needs. Using Chatbot for product information  and recommendation is like placing your products in the hands of the customer to increase the chances of taking or buying that product.

Generate Leads and Gather Information from the User

Chatbots can view as customer communication platforms. ChatBots can generate for leads because it simply keeps evolving as generates updates on technology. Data gathering and experience gained from interaction with customers gives a better solution to evolve the ChatBots function in-order to satisfy the customer.

ChatBots with Social Media Platforms to Increase Sale and Customer Support

Using ChatBots on social media platforms like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat and other social media apps. ChatBot strategy can help you promote brand awareness, help with transactions, relaying of information, convert to new customers, and provide excellent customer service support.

It all comes down to strategy to your business goal on how to fully utilize the use of ChatBots to get new clients and provide better assistance to them. The right marketing strategy and using ChatBots will make a big impact on your customer.

Lead Gen Tools like, Pop-ups Combine with ChatBots

To fully utilize the digital marketing strategy, It is highly recommended to combine two or more lead generations to increase the conversion rate. Using pop-ups combine with ChatBots can complement each other as they appease with two different sets of visitors.

Integrating ChatBots on social media apps where user spending a lot of time like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Twitter can be effective as you can promote your business or they might be interested and wants to gather more information. Having ChatBots on those social media apps can easily address the needs information without going to another page or website.

With pop-ups tool, it can make those pages with a high bounce rate for a short visit user or customer. It can help to capture the attention of those visitors before they leave your page. User who wishes to leave the page to look for a quick answer, pop-up can address that problem giving them brief information on what on your page and what can you offer before they even leave the page or click the close button.

Artificial Intelligence Online Chatbots for Guide

Data Information, chat history, knowledge, and goals for your chatbots to build a foundation to assist your customer much better. It is important to know what type of questions they might ask as they can be categorized by sales, customer service, product information or marketing. You can have your chatbox to ask key questions to determine if the lead is qualified or not.

You can focus on your product information relay and services to predetermine what answer or question your chatbots can provide.


ChatBots can be helpful to increase the conversion rate of your business but keep it in mind that ChatBot can help you in many ways but the center factor for conversion rate is your marketing strategy and how you can fully utilize the use of Chatbots on your end. If we use it correctly, it may lead to become the best strategy for your business.

John Paul
John Paul
John is a full-time blogger and loves to write on gadgets, search engine trends, web designing & development, social media, new technologies, and entrepreneurship. You may connect with him on Facebook, Twittter and LinkedIn.


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