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GadgetGang to Be the Next Successful Tech Blog


In 2015, a study showed that that 82% of B2B marketers are using blogs as one of their strategies for marketing, and 59% said that their strategy is effective. If you think that’s not too high, then you should check out what the top tech blogs are doing, because you’ll see that they’re all doing the same things. But then again, what really makes a tech blog worth a follow? Some say it depends on the content while others say it depends on popularity. I mean, just because the content is published doesn’t mean the tech blog is excellent.

GadgetGang is one of the newest tech blogs and it’s slowly gaining popularity. Created 3 months ago, it already has 32 posts since the 27th of July. It touches on most everything that about technological products like drones, gadgets, smartphones, and gaming equipment. However, it doesn’t just stop there. It also creates reviews about products and it has been doing it for 3 months now. So far, all we’ve seen are good feedback.

Let’s take a look at the qualities of an excellent tech blog and see if GadgetGang can be considered one.

What are the qualities of an excellent tech blog?

qualities of an excellent tech blog

No Bias

An excellent tech blog doesn’t take sides when it comes to providing information to its readers. An essential part of blogging is honesty and genuineness. People will continue to read blog posts from someone who doesn’t compromise the quality of the content by taking sides, someone who lays out information objectively rather than subjectively.

In this case, GadgetGang can proudly say that it’s not biased at all. As a matter of fact, it’s proud to say that it has always been honest with the information and with the reviews posted on its blog. GadgetGang is very straightforward and if they think something is not interesting enough, they will say it. If they like it, they like it. What you see is what you get.

Education Over Selling

Education Over Selling

The purpose of a tech blog is to inform and educate readers about the latest technological products. It should provide helpful tips about a product that is beneficial for the readers. It should never be about selling a particular product.

Sometimes, companies provide free items to tech bloggers so the can write reviews about the item. In this case, a tech blogger is expected to write a review based on its usability, appearance, and features. At the end of the review, the readers should still be the one to decide if they will buy the item or not.

GadgetGang has never posted anything to advertise or to convince its readers to buy a product. Everything on its blog is purely informative. 

Audience Engagement

Audience Engagement

It is important for tech blogs to be engaging with their audience or readers. This is a strategy to gauge if people are actually reading the posts. It’s such a waste if a tech blog keeps posting updates or new content if there are no readers. Leaving “tell us what you think” is a form of engagement which allows readers to provide their inputs and opinions about a topic.

Again, this is something is already doing. It’s an excellent quality for a tech blog because it makes the readers feel that they are an important part of the blog and that their inputs are very important. If they have questions, GadgetGang can easily answer them.

Multimedia is Involved

Multimedia is Involved

An effective tech blog includes photos or videos to provide readers with a better picture of what is being talked about. For example, if a tech blogger is writing a review on an iPhone Xs, it is necessary to have a picture of the phone itself, especially since the blogger is expected to write about the physical appearance (length, width, screen dimensions, etc.) Videos are also necessary if the tech blogger is talking about the iPhone Xs’ screen resolution. In this case, it is better for the readers to also see what the blogger is trying to describe especially since not all the readers have an iPhone Xs.

GadgetGang never fails to meet expectations. As a matter of fact, it has been very consistent when it comes to showing the readers images of the products. In one of their reviews about an Oppo phone, they were able to show the screen resolution and how the rear camera looked like to educate their readers.

Original Content

Original Content

The most important quality of a tech is blog is being able to provide accurate information on all its posts without copying others. It means that the content is well-researched and it’s not just posted for the sake of having something to blog about. It requires an extensive research and an ability to form accurate ideas based on the researched material.

The challenge here is how to form the researched ideas into something new. The answer is simple – be creative. There are a lot of topics that have not been discussed by other tech bloggers yet. It only requires imagination. For example, Spiderman (the PS4 game) became very popular so tech bloggers covered topics about what it is, what the gameplay is and how it should end, and that’s okay. But if another tech blogger wants to write something unique about it, then talking about the gameplay is no longer an option. He or she can focus on the experience while playing the game. Are there glitches? Are there tricks? He or she can focus on topics like that.

GadgetGang is proud to say that it doesn’t copy its content from other famous tech bloggers. Originality and accuracy are among its focus so you’re sure that whatever you see on their website is all original. Be it about games, smartphones, gadgets, or drones, they make sure that quality and originality is present in every continent.

There’s no doubt that GadgetGang will be a top tech blog sooner or later. It has all the qualities of an excellent tech blog. With its impeccable content, I’m not even surprised why. It’s only a matter of weeks before it becomes bigger and more popular than it is now. And by then we will still be able to observe the dedication that they have to provide quality content that we, the readers, truly deserve.

After working as digital marketing consultant for 4 years Deepak decided to leave and start his own Business. To know more about Deepak, find him on Facebook, LinkedIn now.


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