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HomeBusiness11 Mobile Marketing Tips to Follow in 2020

11 Mobile Marketing Tips to Follow in 2020

People love to use that device that is more handy and easy to use. Mobile phones are one of them. It has revolutionized the business to a great extent. Every second, new 9 users of mobile are added. Online marketing must add up mobile marketing in it. People usually make actions by using their phones. Digital marketing is best done with mobile marketing. Mobile marketing is the latest addition to digital marketing techniques. It is convenient to use. In this blog, we will discuss 11 mobile marketing tips to follow in 2020.

Mobile Marketing Tips

What is mobile marketing?

“Mobile marketing is  a way of doing marketing with a thought process of targeting a relevant audience via smartphones, tablets, etc.  by using various devices with the aid of websites, blogs, e-mails

11 mobile marketing tips to follow in 2020 are as under:

  1. Responsive website
  2. Speed of the website
  3. Promote your brand with mobile ads
  4. Effective SMS Marketing
  5. Concise forms
  6. Simple content
  7. Provide Popups  disability
  8. Work on the Mailing list
  9. Understand customer’s psychology
  10. Make user use QR codes
  11. Voice search optimization

Responsive website

If your website is responsive, users feel no hard time surfing your website. You should build a website in such a way that it shows responsiveness. It works well on the phone as well as on the website. Many companies lack behind because they are not representing responsive websites. People usually like that website which showcases similar features on the phone as it shows on the web.

Speed of the website

Don’t make too much of a mess on your website. If these kinds of conditions prevail it will surely create problems. Then you need to face the consequences. Your website will load slowly, people shift their interest from your website to another. So monitor your website speed and add images and video content that cause minimum delay to open up. By doing so, more traffic will come to your app as well as to your website.

Promote your brand with mobile ads

Social networks give huge benefits related to advertising. You can optimize Facebook and Instagram, YouTube that depends on phone screens and demographics. Mobile ads are a good way to go ahead in business. Moreover, it promotes brands as well.  In your app, there should be installed ads as it could assist you in raising the installation number. These ads give guidance to the user on how to download the app page.

Effective SMS Marketing

SMS marketing is a crucial part of mobile marketing. You should have more focus on delivering a business message directly to your customers. Following things needs to consider while sending SMS

  • The timing of sending a message is
  • Write company name in the message is important
  • It should be meaningful.

Concise forms

As we all are aware, first-time users need to do the registration. So that their profile gets registered with your website. People usually feel irritated when they have to fill lengthy forms. So it is up to you how to minimize form filling details. You can merge several details into one. For example, instead of writing First name, middle name and last name for one field,  you can simply add a Full name. Don’t Extend the form. Just make it simple and concise.

Simple content

People Stay away from those applications which are tricky and involve so much content. Make your interface simple and natural. Design your content in such a manner so that 13 years old can go through it without any difficulty. You can convey the meaning of your content by adding suitable images and videos to it. The point to be noted for this are:-

  • Focus on important functions.
  • Avoid adding too many features in the app.
  • Make use of collapsible headers.
  • Don’t show more popups.

Provide  Popups  disability

Customers annoy easily if pop-ups show every time. These kinds of pop-ups irritate a lot. On-device like laptops or PCs, it is somewhat tolerable. But if the same thing happens on the phone it will create a mess.  Some websites by default disable popups and others provide freedom to customers to do so. Every customer has a different perspective, they can leave your site as it is if more than two popups appear on their screen. So be sure that the disability of popups should be there or you can disable unnecessary pop-ups in the beginning.

Work on the Mailing list

E-mails can do wonders. Every professional person or customer can firstly check their emails after waking up. What do you think about whether they use a laptop for that? No, not at all. They make the use of mobile phones. You can use e-mail content in such a way that you feel always connected to it. If your content is attractive and tends to engage the audience. Then you can seek customers’ attention. Make emails mobile-friendly. You can add smaller subject lines.

Understand customers psychology

Business overall growth depends upon its customers. You need to think about considering your ideal customer. You must analyze their psychology and what they want from your app or website. You need to analyze customer behavior. For achieving this goal, you can make use of analytics. When you can constantly track your customer intent, then it will be easy for you to figure out the things that you need to add up in your mobile apps.

Make user use QR codes

You can create Specific QR codes specifically for your business. Kaywa is a kind of platform that assists you in doing the creation of QR codes. These codes save the information and it gives your customers a privilege to make safer transactions with the aid of mobile phones.

Voice search optimization

Some users are lazy. They love to speak rather than type. They usually speak to the phone in such a way as they are speaking to their friend.  Be smart to know what kind of query people generally ask for. You can also make the optimization of long-tail keywords in their queries.


The addition of mobile marketing has changed the digital marketing scenario to the next level. People feel more connected with the brands if they are using mobiles. Mobile marketing engages a large group of audience. Mobile marketing can be proven as a great opportunity to promote your brand. Customers would love to open the app if it is designed according to their ease. In this blog, 11 mobile marketing tips to follow in 2020 have been studied. If you are having any queries, feel free to ask me in the comment section.

.For more mobile marketing tips please visit

He is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets and Gaming. you can connect with him on Facebook | Linkedin | mail:


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