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HomeFinanceWhere To Learn About How Cryptocurrency Works

Where To Learn About How Cryptocurrency Works

Cryptocurrency has created excitement in the industry, and every other person wants to jump into this pool of endless opportunities. Like the other trends, this may also take a while to become usual,and with that, the people often make a perception that it is daunting to learn, but it doesn’t have to be like that.

How Cryptocurrency Works


Various resources can help you in getting knowledge about how the cryptocurrency works. Below are some of the resources which include:

Crypto Books

The Internet of Money

This book focuses explicitly on how Bitcoin works. It is different from the usual books and sheds light on how it is better in different dimensions and helps innovators think about the possible applications of cryptocurrencies to create wealth.

Crypto Assets

This book is written by the well-known crypto insiders Chris Burniske and Jack Tatar. Their book guides directing your way towards a massive fortune. The book also provides in-depth knowledge about the crypto economy and the endless opportunities that one can avail to become a millionaire. Undoubtedly, it is one of the best books on cryptocurrency in the market.

Mastering Bitcoin

This amazing, easy-to-understand book is written by Andreas Antonopoulos,who has ensured that everyone can get the most out of it, even those new to the crypto niche. The book clearly explains how a blockchain infrastructure forms cryptocurrencies and how various integrants are interconnected to provide a borderless currency.

Crypto Podcasts

Invest Like the Best

Patrick O’Shaughnessy, the host of this podcast, focuses that hash power is salient to make money in the cryptocurrency. The podcast is rolled out in three parts. It is easily understandable by the newbies, but the interviews with industry leaders are a great deal of knowledge for potential investors.


In the crypto world, this podcast has established itself as a recognized brand. Laura Shin, the host of ‘Unchained,’ interviews the renowned entrepreneurs and investors and covers everything from basics to technicalities, including the fork’s aftermath.

Crypto Forums

Bitcoin Talk

This is probably one of the biggest crypto forums that is a perfect discussion place for everyone, i.e., newbies, developers, investors, etc. This forum provides elaborative crypto knowledge and lists jobs for various positions, with a ranking and merit system allowing them to earn the position. There’s no better place to get the answers to your crypto-related queries than Bitcoin Talk!


This Reddit forum of cryptocurrency provides information related to various topics such as BTC, altcoins, etc. Through this forum, you come across different experts and geeks who have earned billions from the cryptocurrency, providing you a fast-track of your cryptocurrency learning and assists you in hiking your way up the ladder.

Cryptocurrency Websites


This is one of the best and all-in-onewebsites for viewing all the real-time data related to cryptocurrency. If you want to know about the prices, market cap, and percentage variation of different assets, Coin Market Cap is the most reliable source for that. If you are related to the crypto niche anyhow, then this website is a must-have for you.


This website is the most updated website about cryptocurrency that has been existed ever before. Coin Desk is perfect for both beginners and technical geeks. Whether you are interested in learning the new techniques, tutorials, or want to know about different startups and the happenings in the crypto market, it is the perfect platform to meet all your crypto-related needs.


If you are a person who is interested in knowing almost everything regarding ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings), this website is perfect for you. On this website, you will find all the projects listed that raise money at any given time. For data integrity, Cyber Fund recoup the data directly from the servers of ICOs’.

He is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets and Gaming. you can connect with him on Facebook | Linkedin | mail:


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