Monday, February 17, 2025
HomeBusinessWhat's in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

A business name can create a tremendous recognition factor for a company online, or it can put one into obscurity. But one thing is for sure, using a personal name just doesn’t cut it anymore like it did in the old days. Names for companies have been recognizable, memorable, and easy to find. After all, two-thirds of product or service searching is happening with mobile devices from people on the go, and a good portion of that online activity is now happening with voice. So people need to be both able to remember what a company’s name is as well as how to pronounce it on the fly. Congenerated Technical Incorporated is probably not going to work well, much less be remembered easily. However, “Foodle,” believe it or not, works just fine in today’s digital shopping world.

What's in a Name

Name Creation

Part of the challenge, though, tends to be coming up with a good name. It needs to represent the company and offering, like Intel does for computer chips and processing. It needs to be easy to remember, so one-word names like Shell still work well. And a business name needs to be one that’s going to stick. Guaranteed, the folks at Amazon probably much happier with the name they have versus 5centOnlineMarket or something similar. This is why tools like Namify offer a free Business name generator tool to kickstart the process.

Name Tools

Fortunately, one doesn’t have to sit and pound their brain against a table trying to cook up a decent business. Business name generator tools are available with far more than some simple, random name creation program driving them. The results are meaningful, useful, and most importantly, memorable. And, even better, there are lots of choices generated to work with. In fact, many folks find that name generators are great for coming up with initial ideas that get refined and turned into even better final business names with a bit of tweaking.

Namify, a valuable business name generator, provides a good list of choices that are meaningful as well as available and not taken. Nothing is more frustrating than to spend hours coming up with a really good name only to find in a quick search it’s already owned by someone else and being used. A great name pick is both unique, new and nobody has registered a domain with it yet. And, the choice should easily lend itself to a logo as well, further enhancing the ability to remember the business name visually.

Consider Namify as your brand name generator tool. It provides the meaningful and unique name you want, along with valuable information about domain availability. This eliminates any frustration on your part. Namify goes one step further by providing you available social media handles. You will have all you need to jumpstart your business.

Think Digital

Whatever name creation method is chosen, it’s important to remember that the name itself needs to be viable for the Internet if a company is going to have any chance of market success today. Consumer and business-to-business markets simply expected the compatibility far too much for it to be ignored. Those old phonebook yellow pages are long gone, and they’re not coming back anytime soon.

So, given the various domain extensions now available beyond just .com, companies really should think about how they will park themselves in digital real estate and do it quickly. Otherwise, that really good name waiting out there might work well in person but may end up already snapped and taken in the domain parking wars that occur every day. And having to buy a name once the business is started can get expensive. So don’t let your digital side get caught by surprise. As soon as a name becomes a reality, registered it online as a web domain as well, even if the business is not ready for primetime. You’ll be glad you did later on when it’s time to go public.

He is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets and Gaming. you can connect with him on Facebook | Linkedin | mail:


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