Wednesday, February 12, 2025
HomeWhat Can You Do To Improve Your Home Security?

What Can You Do To Improve Your Home Security?

We all like the idea of staying safe in our cozy homes, now don’t we? Staying away from the tension of a burglar attack really does make our lives simpler. The sad reality however is that the crime rate has significantly increased over the past few years. You will be shocked to know that approximately 3 million burglaries take place in the United States annually.

Home Security

This is indeed a sad reality but crying over it won’t make any difference. Staying up all night, guarding the front door with a giant rod in your hands will also not help you in any way. What you need to understand is that home is a safe place, it is a heaven that you have decorated with your own hands, it has all your valuables and so keeping it safe from all these thieves and criminals is your responsibility.

Now, what can you do to enhance your home security? Well, don’t let those shivers run down your spine because we have got you all covered. We have done our research and prepared a set of steps that will aid you in improving your home security. So grab a mug of coffee, sit back and keep reading.

1. Invest in a home security system

What essentially is a home security system? This system helps you protect your house from all kinds of external threats. It provides you with all different layers of home protection and consists of all the security essentials like smart alarms, locks, sensors, state-of-the-art monitoring, and much more.

We understand that because of our busy routines, we don’t really get time to look after our place and so this makes the need to invest in a home security suite even more essential. This system will help you manage your house and its security system using just your phone regardless of where you are.

So to safeguard your house from all external threats, save up to install a home security apparatus. Many kinds of it are easily available in the market. However, if you are looking for a convenient and trustworthy option, we would recommend you to check out Cox Homelife as it offers top-notch home security and automation service.

2. Brighten up your house

Light serves as a powerful deterrent. The majority of burglars carry out their suspicious activities at night to avoid being seen by onlookers. Homes that are surrounded by darkness provide excellent targets for intruders. To avoid this situation, install state-of-the-art motion-activated as well as heat-sensitive floodlights in areas outside your house. These areas would include lawns and backyards etc.

What will happen after installing all of these floodlights? Well, they will aid in identifying any burglar or criminal that will try to break into your house. These will instantly shine upon a sneaky criminal and stop an impending home invasion. In addition to this, light up your home with smart lamps that have planned programming inside as well as outside to deceive intruders into believing that someone is home, even if everyone is away.

3. Reduce the likelihood of an invasion

Things around your property can make it easier for trespassers to enter your home. Therefore, avoid leaving metal bars, gardening equipment, and ladders outside in the garden. Lock them away especially when they are not being used. In addition, lubricate the drainpipes using oil or paint that is slippery in order to deter thieves from scaling them.

In addition to this, make sure to add spikes or a glass deterrent to the top of the garden fences. Contact the best local fence companies for the perfect privacy fence options. Plant bushes with thorns on your lawn and also around your property, however, don’t go crazy and give potential robbers the impression that you are concealing valuable items from them. Just be very subtle with your defenses.

4. Smartly hide your valuables

Experienced thieves are typically familiar with the typical hiding places for valuable stuff. Therefore, when hiding your assets, think from the perspective of a burglar and hide your valuables in a place they cannot access. For instance, hide your jewels in your pantry behind cereal boxes. Place your keys in a phony cat litter container.

Fill Tupperware containers with cash and store them all in your fridge or freezer. Place your important files in an envelope under the bookshelf. And the list goes on.  To sum it all up, use your hiding places shrewdly to confuse the burglars and leave them perplexed.

5. Lock the windows

Windows, especially those in the basement or on the ground floor, are the next most popular way for intruders to enter the property after the main doors. Off-street windows, like those installed on the side of the home, are specifically desirable because there is less possibility that your neighbors or bystanders will see them. Make it a habit of locking them at night and whenever you plan on going outside to stop them from being successful.

In addition to this, reed switches can be installed on the back and front doors so that when you arm your alarm before leaving, the alarm will alert you about the windows left open. If you are looking for a safer option, then we would recommend you to check and look at Crimsafe. Crimsafe is a stylish fly screen software, but it also has the added advantage of security proofing your entrance points.

Final words

Home security is not a joke and hence must always be given the importance that it deserves. Crime rate is increasing day by day and so it is important for individuals to focus completely on enhancing their home security. Use the tips mentioned in this article and safeguard your house from all thieves and criminals. Stay safe.


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