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HomeBusinessGet The Best Out Of Shopify Ecommerce Website With This Cheatsheet!

Get The Best Out Of Shopify Ecommerce Website With This Cheatsheet!

Shopify is one of the leading and most user-friendly eCommerce platforms available. If you’re a small to medium-sized business, Shopify is your best bet to create an online store. According to their website, 44 million customers purchased from Shopify merchants in 2020. So if you’re looking to explore the digital world and launch your eCommerce website, read our blog to find out the shortcuts and tips you need to make the most out of it.

Let’s start by exploring why you should consider Shopify as the ultimate platform for your business:

Get The Best Out Of Shopify Ecommerce Website With

Additionally, Shopify offers a variety of pricing plans to suit the needs of businesses of all sizes, with options ranging from a basic plan to more advanced plans with added features and support.

Now that we have convinced you about Shopify, here are a few tricks you can deploy while creating your online store:

  1. In-built theme: Shopify is a feature-rich platform that offers a myriad of templates that create a striking and attractive eCommerce website. Select from free or paid themes that have high compatibility with your business.
  2. Engaging Homepage: This is where every prospective customer will land, so it is of prime importance that every eCommerce website’s homepage is attractive, relevant, and has the information that keeps a user engaged on your website. Shopify has in-built drag and drop features that let you customize your homepage according to your business needs.
  3. Mobile-friendly: 80% of users are now shopping online via their mobile. However, while developing a website this is often overlooked by brands who are new in this space. Though Shopify innately fixes this problem, you can still optimize your website by:
    1. Designing a visually appealing online store. Less content and more pictures are the mantra.
    2. Avoid too many pop-ups
    3. Ensure the CTA buttons are visible in the mobile version
  4. Shopify Domain: You may come across the free domain by Shopify, however, it is best to opt for the paid ones. When building an online brand, you don’t want your URL to appear like: So don’t wait for the eCommerce store to perform, it is a small investment that reaps SEO benefits from the beginning.
  5. The power of Plugins: Plugins allow customization. For example – If you want to send an email alert about a new product that’s just been launched or send order details; then plugins on Shopify simplify your life by automating these details. You can also try a Shopify product filter app to improve user experience and generate more sales.
  6. Don’t forget SEO: While SEO is a separate project for which you can hire an SEO expert or an eCommerce development company, knowing a few tricks will do you good. Learn about on-site SEO that’s incorporated during the development stage. For example – Create a sitemap, add footer content to every page, add relevant Titles and Meta Tags to each page.
  7. Chatbot Integration: Today’s well-learned customer needs information right away. Installing a Chatbot is crucial as it gives you the opportunity to address customer queries in real-time. Shopify lets you install Facebook Messenger which works exactly like a chatbot, and it’s free.
  8. Content Strategy: Now that you have launched a fantastic website, it is time to plan & execute an effective content strategy that will make you stand out in the stiff competition. Publish relevant blogs and establish yourself as the expert without being salesy. Generate content that is educational and shareable. Add relevant visuals to make it captivating and engaging.

Now that you have the Shopify cheat sheet handy, it’s time to get started and develop your eCommerce website.

He is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets and Gaming. you can connect with him on Facebook | Linkedin | mail:


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