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HomeBusinessFieldAP to Digitize, Visualize and Collaborate the Energy Companies’ Data

FieldAP to Digitize, Visualize and Collaborate the Energy Companies’ Data

The oil and gas industry now is really competitive and more challenging. There are solutions needed to make operations of the energy companies run effectively. FieldAPis an application to create a smooth run of companies’ operation by providing digitalization system.

FieldAP to Digitize

Why Applying the Software in Offshore Engineering?

FiledAP is a software specially created for offshore engineering. It has been adopted by the field development planning teams of the leading offshore engineering in the world. The application is aimed to drive revenue as well as achieve goals to reduce the cost of production and operations. The software will make it possible for those who involved in the business to get into the life of oilfield of the offshore and collaborate. The FieldAP allows both the managers and the engineering to take a deeper look at their assets and create decisions that are more profitable for the companies. This is because offshore engineering application works to digitizes all of the planning processes from development through decommissioning. There are key benefits that the users can enjoy from this software. The Field Activity Planner will allow you to create a digital working environment for your company and provides instant global collaboration. In this way, you will be able to lower the cost needed for creating 3D field layout designs. The design process is done by finding the best solution rapidly in the design phase. It is also conducted by shortening the company’s total project. The other key advantages offered include better quality of communication, knowledge sharing, availability in the cloud, a speed of the process, improve operability, and much more.

What the Software Can Do

FieldAP has been developed for more than 2.5 years and can serve your energy in many ways to enable you to do the operation smoothly. Applying the application to your company will really give you peace of mind.

  1. Digitize Your Company’s Assets

It can’t be denied that the assets of your company are one of the most valuable sources which contain knowledge related to engineering commitment that has been conducted for years. You need to be able to move the assets since workflows move to the clouds too. This offshore engineering software developed by FutureOn offers solutions to allow you to have better assets management which applies a cloud-based approach. In this way, you will have smarter assets in costing, storing, and also configuration data.

  1. Visualize Your Field

The idea behinds the creation of the software is that the belief that humans are the visual creature and the importance to use visual relevant context to see more about information and assets. The software will visualize your assets into 3D form. In this way, you will be able to generate real data and realize your ideas rapidly to make a good decision.

  1. Collaborate with the Team in Your Company

The FieldAP comes with the ability to bring visual collaboration into real-time to the entire aspects of the field design of your project. This will help you to minimize communication errors, language barriers, and misunderstanding. It also helps to lower the accelerate timelines across all of the project lives within your energy company.

After working as digital marketing consultant for 4 years Deepak decided to leave and start his own Business. To know more about Deepak, find him on Facebook, LinkedIn now.


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