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HomeSoftwares/Apps5 Crucial Autoresponders That Any Every Ecommerce Site Should Set Up ASAP

5 Crucial Autoresponders That Any Every Ecommerce Site Should Set Up ASAP

It’s no secret that ecommerce is absolutely booming right now.

But ironically enough, the reason why merchants are able to make an absolute killing right now is because one of the oldest tools in the digital marketing playbook.

That is, email marketing.

As noted by David Zheng of WiseMerchant, an email list is “the single biggest asset you can develop as an ecommerce store owner.”

But what makes email so powerful? How is it still so powerful despite the rise of social media and paid ads?

Crucial Autoresponders That Any Every Ecommerce Site

For starters, consider the following:

  • Opt-ins are your hottest lead, proving that they trust your brand and its messaging
  • Email opt-ins show intent and teach you in real-time what buyers want
  • Unlike fickle social algorithms, emails are always front and center for recipients – plus you can send them for dirt cheap using a marketing service

Yet maybe what makes email is compelling is the fact that you can campaigns on autopilot thanks to modern technology. This means you can engage your list and earn cash without having to lift a finger, granted you have the right autoresponders set up.

Based on buyer behavior and timing, effective autoresponders can be complete game-changers for any given ecommerce business. In this quick guide, we’ll break down the must-have emails that merchants need to put together ASAP. Although some might be more obvious than others this combination can work in tandem to squeeze the absolute most out of your list.

Welcome Emails

Noted to have an open rate between 50% to 60%, welcome emails are undoubtedly the most important emails that you send to your opt-ins. The perfect opportunity to set the tone with your list, a few points to include in your welcome messages include…

  • Words of appreciations for joining your next
  • Actionable next steps (clicking a link, checking out a course or resource) to keep them in your funnel and eventually lead them to an offer
  • An invitation to follow your social media channels and likewise reach out

If you plan on sending regular education or transaction emails (think: deals), make that expectation crystal clear from the word “go.”

Onboarding Drips

Following your welcome emails should be some sort of onboarding drip campaign that works to nurture your list. These message should not solely focus on sales pitches, but rather education and advice that signals that you’re a helping hand. Some common pieces of an onboarding drip that keep you from feeling “salesy” include…

  • Personal anecdotes and stories
  • Case studies or client testimonials
  • Links to helpful tools and resources
  • Your absolute best advice and tips

Anywhere between five and seven emails is fair game for a drip series, granted each and every one of your emails pack a punch and provide value. Remember: your drips should be evergreen as possible, but you might need to update them from time to time as you roll out new content.

Cart Abandonment Emails

The average cart abandonment rate sits around 75% which is absolutely staggering. Whether due to unforeseen shipping costs or a tacked-on fee, don’t be blindsided by the fact that many even the most eager buyers can drop out of your funnel.

Cart abandonment emails don’t need to be inherently complicated. Something as simple as “Hey, you forget something” coupled with an invitation to complete their purchase is a subtle touchpoint that’s surprisingly effective. You also have the option of adding on a small discount (think: 5%-10%) for finishing their order to sweeten the deal.

Confirmation Emails

Confirmation emails for orders are probably the most underrated types of autoresponders. Although you may see them as little more than receipts, consider addition ways to squeeze an ROI out of your existing orders such as…

  • Recommending additional products and services based on their purchase history
  • Offering an additional time-sensitive coupon for making another order
  • Providing a future discount for sharing their purchase on social media

Anything you can do to encourage future transactions is a point in your favor, and confirmation emails are the perfect place to do just that.

Reactivation Emails

As evidenced by cart abandonment emails, sometimes your list needs a small push in order to take the next steps to make a purchase. After all, chances are your customers’ inboxes are flooded with competing offers and emails that take away their attention.

Triggering reactivation offers and deals (think: 20% off, BOGO) every few months for customers who haven’t taken action is a safe bet for bringing former customers back into the fold. Doing so ultimately takes people who otherwise would drop out of your funnel and turn them into a sale.

Autoresponders can be both live-savers and money-makers for ecommerce businesses, granted you’ve taken the time to set them up. If you have these particular messages squared away, you more than likely have your bases covered when it comes to your earning potential and engagement with your business’ audience.

After working as digital marketing consultant for 4 years Deepak decided to leave and start his own Business. To know more about Deepak, find him on Facebook, LinkedIn now.


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