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HomeWeb Development22 Best CDN Service Providers. CDN Reviews

22 Best CDN Service Providers. CDN Reviews

What influences site ranking to a huge degree is the speed of loading. Using of CDN is one of the most effective ways to boost page loading, which is why it should be considered first when you are planning to optimize site work.

Content Delivery Network combines several servers located in different points of presence, which helps to reduce the distance between end user and data storage place. As the result, the speed of site loading increases, and search engine ranking improves.

But how to find a perfect CDN provider? Some web masters value customer support, while others take service price into consideration first and foremost. We have gathered 20 CDN providers that have proved to be trustworthy and having advanced solutions.

CDN Service Providers

  • Incapsula

Incapsula is another CDN that perfectly combinable with applications and may greatly improve performance thanks to caching of dynamic content, improved networking and content optimization. The provider promises:

  • Protection against DDos attacks;
  • Load balancing;
  • Failover from the cloud;
  • Real time notifications about site functioning;

The principle of work is the same as usual: the CDN traces and profiles all traffic to a site or applications, and protects against possible threats. Outgoing traffic is optimized and speeded up, which ensures far greater performance (about 50% acceleration) and 60% less bandwidth consumption. CDN doesn’t require any additional software or hardware, and it takes several minutes to set it up and activate. A user doesn’t have to change his hosting provider. CDN can be turned off any time. Clients can try free versions, or try better Incapsula products that cost up to $299.

  • MaxCDN

MaxCDN is one of the biggest world providers that offers customizable servers: users are free to select speed and abilities to define how their CDN will run. Being located in more than 90 countries, MaxCDN servers are spread worldwide providing high peer capacity and ability to deal with any load. Secure token options allow locking down one’s content, and API can be applied to integrate users and resources into applications. Other advantages include control panel with access to real-time information, and SSL for security. Site efficiency and speed are adjusted by intelligent routing. Prices for products are calculated upon request, free trials are available.

  • CloudFlare

This is a good option for those who are not ready to spend their time on learning and installing software. Requiring only DNS setting change, CloudFlare automatically optimizes web page delivery so that to make it load faster, and make site more efficient. Being CloudFlare user, a webmaster can route web traffic through the global network. A good protection against bots and hackers is guaranteed, and possible threats are analyzed. An abundance of applications allows for great possibility extension. Service pricing is democratic: variants from $0 to $200 are available.

  • Amazon CloudFront

Users of various Amazon web services should consider trying Amazon CloudFront. This CDN provides them with low latency and quick data transfer, not requiring any commitment. To transfer content over HTTPS, no change of domain name is needed, and user’s own SSL certificate can be used. Clients are provided with full information about requests and tracking trends of visitors. Geo restriction function enables clients to prohibit or restrict content delivery to any country. The platform also provides:

  • Response to custom errors;
  • Live media streaming;
  • Dynamic content delivery;
  • Management console that does not require code writing.

In addition, access logs can be viewed for the client to see where and to whom content is being delivered. Prices for the services are defined by CDN options required.

  • INXY

INXY partners with the biggest providers: HighWinds, Verizon (EdgeCast), AhCDN, UCDN and CDNN0w. That allows offering scalable CDN solutions with global coverage. The company has more than 100 PoPs in disposal with servers in Asia, Russia, the USA, Latin America, Australia and Europe. All that ensures perfect security, lowest response time and fast site loading. Users can see the information about traffic (auditory, requests, from where and when site was accessed, etc.).  INXY clients have the following benefits:

  • The team uses personal approach to figure out individual solutions.
  • Lowest prices on market and pay-as-you-go system. Minimal monthly payment is $10 only!
  • Free trials up to a month, or up to 200 Tb of free traffic.
  • Verizon (EdgeCast)

Being one of the most popular and widespread network of servers located around the world, Edgecast provides excellent speed, scalability and security. Its CDN helps to deal with traffic spikes, secure sites and speed up web applications. Both static and dynamic content can be served from CDN locations, which makes up for maximum site acceleration. Edgecast constantly analyzes site functioning, giving fresh updates for server performance and bandwidth using. Visitor statistics is also provided. Besides, this network is perfect for delivering various rich media, including live video and streaming with the help of HTTP, Silverlight and Flash software. Prices are individual, which allows figuring out an optimal product with required options.

  • Cachefly

CacheFly CDN is created especially for static content delivery. It makes up for 10 times faster loading of files, images, CSS and audio thanks to its 30 PoPs located in different corners of the world near major Internet peering points. Due to that, web-masters can locate content closer to end users, which will result into more efficient and quick media content delivery, at the same time contributing to better security. Such function as on-demand bandwidth does not let performance degrade, or timeouts take place during traffic spikes. CacheFly platform is also worth working with due to its convenient interface that enables users to edit files without API’s. Excellent website security is guaranteed thanks to the token based authentication (users need to go through identification). Pricing policy is the only thing that may put potential clients off: minimal CDN cost is $99 a month, with maximum price up to $499/month.

  • Internap

Internap has been providing managed web hosting solutions and CDN since 1996. The company is constantly growing, and has offices in London, Tokyo, Hong Kong and the US. The number of PoPs located all around the world is large, which makes up for fastest delivery and trouble-free connectivity. Internap uses unique technologies to provide users with flawless services:

  • MIRO route optimization scales latency and packet loss information in real time, and calculates the best route for data transfer available via Internap ISP partners;
  • Innovative XIP web acceleration uses TCP protocol optimization to improve the quality of content and delivery speed;
  • Private Network Access Points help Internap users to connect to Tier 1 ISP backbones from any point of presence via paid transit connections.

Internap pricing is not showed in public – the information is available on request only.

  • Google App Engine

Users familiar with Google’s infrastructure may try Google App Engine to maintain traffic and detect when data storage requires changing. No servers – you just need to upload an application. Google App Engine automatically scales content and helps to balance load. To perform work outside of requests, it generates asynchronous task queues. Thanks to that, user’s applications are secured and may run quickly even with huge amounts of data. Platform features include:

  • Persistent storage;
  • Automatic scaling;
  • Integration with Google cloud services and APIs;
  • asynchronous task queues.

The price is based on quota limits and the number of units utilized.

  • Leaseweb

This is a Dutch company that has launched CDN services in 2013. With servers located in strategic Asian, European and American data centers, it provides high connectivity and reliability. The secret lies in SuperPoPs that have 100-300 Gbit uplink capacity in every location. Total network capacity is more than 4 Tbps. In addition, Leaseweb has about 1.800 unique BGP neighbors. Having solutions for both small and big companies, the enterprise offers competitive and fair pricing: pay-as-you-go system, and 5 cents for 1 Gb at 1 Tb a month (low volume), or 3 cents for 1 Gb at 50 Tb a month (high volume). The storage option is free of charge.

  • jsDelivr

jsDelivr is an open-source CDN that allows submitting a project to host and deliver files (fonts, jQuery, JavaScript, CSS, etc). jsDelivr combines powers of CloudFlare and MaxCDN sponsoring the platform. It balances traffic load and figures out individual availability and performance for users through Cedexis. Thanks to the fact that the system unites two CDN providers, in case of CDN failure, traffic is switched to the one that is operating. That provides total safety. Files are hosted on push zone on NetDNA servers, but they can be accessed by using IP addresses included into the white list. jsDelivr has more than 42 points of presence located worldwide, failover system, DDos protection, HTTPS access and unlimited traffic. And, what is important, all that costs nothing!  

  • CDN77

CDN77 is a CDN that has 25 data centers located on 5 continents. To start using it, no DNS changes are required – setting up is automatic, no matter what kind of website is served (CMS based or a custom). A convenient control panel is easy to manage, allowing user to modify everything on the go, including CDN configurations, status of served files and content. Traffic and bandwidth usage are easily monitored. API enables connection to applications, log storage and viewing, CDN management and analytics tracking. Security and protection are elaborated properly. Users can share content privately, encrypt data and protect it from external threats. Prices are low, being in the range from $35 to $49 a month.

  • Quantil

A US-based company Quantil introduced CDN service in 2013. Being a close partner of ChinaNetCenter, it has more than 500 PoPs that are mostly located in China. Plus, there are points of presence in the USA, Europe, Australia, South America, Middle-East and Asia (Qatar, Thailand, and Brunei). All PoPs outside China are self managed and owned. Companies’ peculiarities include:

  1. Caching of static objects.
  2. End-to-end mobile acceleration.
  3. Speeding up of dynamic content.
  4. Carrier network acceleration.
  5. Advanced Near China solution – a way-out for companies that aim at Chinese audience, but don’t have opportunity to launch a PoP in this country yet.

The prices for services are quite high: minimum monthly commit is $1000, and the contract lasts at least 12 months. To simplify price determination, Quantil includes SSL in the GB or Gbps cost.

  • Akamai

Akamai provides more than just usual CDN – this is a highly-distributed platform that includes more than 150,000 servers located in more than 90 countries (about 1,200 networks are included). Global capacity allows meeting any traffic spike. Akamai helps to reduce expenses on application and database infrastructure using by moving processing to the cloud. Online transactions are secured with the help of SSL content protection. In fact, Akamai delivers from 15 to 30% of all web traffic! It means more than interactions every day! The company is trusted by such enterprises as NBC, Adobe, Nintendo and others. The intelligent platform scales web conditions to define and block threats to web-hosting security, providing instant detection and optimization. The prices for services are available upon request, probably, individual pricing is offered in some cases.

  • Rackspace Cloud Files

Rackspace Cloud Files is a partner of Akamai company, and it offers online storage for media and files for them to be delivered around the globe. The platform uses about 200 PoPs for end users to get their content quickly from regions located as close as possible. Cloud Files option generates three copies of each file which ensures reliable storage and fast delivery. Of course, such success is conditioned by the partnership with Akamai – one of the world’s biggest platforms that work with such companies as Twitter and Facebook. The prices for Rackspace Cloud Files depend on resources used (10 cents for the first Terabyte of storage and 12 cents for the first terabyte of CDN bandwidth).

  • SoftLayer

SoftLayer is a project of IBM company. It focuses on cloud infrastructure as a service, working with data centers and points of presence on five continents. Company’s clients are both start ups and world enterprises. The company uses CDN of EdgeCast that offers 24 nodes for content delivery around the world. Besides, SoftLayer has own partners – 13 data-centers and provides 17 additional PoPs. Plans are pay-as-you-go system, and a set price is 12 cents per one Gigabyte of CDN bandwidth, and 15 cents for one Gigabyte of CDN SSL bandwidth.

  • CDNetworks

CDNetworks is a multinational company which CDN network includes servers from Asia, China, Russia and other developing markets with more than 140 PoPs in 91 cities. It provides cloud-based storage and DNS, balancing load, ensuring reliable and fast web content delivery and maximizing scalability and performance. Its features include:

  • Cloud Load Balancer;
  • Cloud DNS;
  • Cloud Storage.

Real-time intelligence provides full information about auditory and requests. The service of dynamic content acceleration ensures on-demand app performance improvement to deliver applications and dynamic content from cloud or a centralized infrastructure for end users from all around the globe. Besides, CDNetworks accelerates response time, which is why sites are loaded instantly, without delays. Prices are available upon request.

  • Tata Communications

Known before as BitGravity, Tata Communications offers CDN for users from all over the globe. It operates the biggest Tier 1 network in the world, and has numerous points of presence in India, the USA, Middle East, Europe and Asia Pacific. Its key PoPs are situated in India (5 locations) and Australia (2 locations). Being a leader in CDN sphere, Tata Communications provides excellent website performance, ensures fastest content delivery and stable communication for users from all continents. Although the cost of CDN solutions is not open to public, the company has quite fair pricing policy and individual approach to clients. Minimum contract duration is 12 months.

  • Limelight

Limelight is one of the biggest private CDNs that improves content delivery for several HTTP and streaming protocols and provides different security services (geo restriction, token authentication, DRM). Online control portal allows customizing configurations and defining where, when and how the content should be delivered. Limelight platform serves to reduce latency and process overload. The system automatically analyses users’ environment (including browser and bandwidth used) and adjusts content delivery conditions for optimal site loading speed and functioning. User can view statistics and analytics to check bandwidth, storage and other aspects. Prices are individual.

  • CDNsun

Operating since 2012, CDNsun offers affordable solutions for sites of any scale. The company has a lot of points of presence on 5 continents: 5 PoPs in Australia, 2 PoPs in Vietnam, Europe and some countries where other companies are not present at all, for instance, Greece and Portugal. CDNsun offers a lot of additional services, including stream delivery (based on Wowza) with on-fly transcoding to RTMP, RTSP, HLS, and HDS. Besides, the company provides 24/7 customer support and has low prices. Low volume traffic costs $0.04 per GB, and high volume (100 Tb and more) is available for $0.02 per GB.

  • CDNify

This company is suitable mostly for start-ups and digital agencies. It offers highly productive CDN solutions, having 18 PoPs in more than 18 locations, including Northern America, Asia, Europe and India. SSL integration is provided for free. Monthly and yearly contracts are available. Prices are reasonable: $0.07 per GB for low volume traffic (150 Gb a month), and $0.04 per GB for high volume traffic (50 Tb a month). APAC region traffic is not charged additionally.

  • Level3

Being present on the market for more than 20 years, Level3 provides a wide range of CDN solutions. The company has its own Tier 1 backbone, providing 5.6 Tbps of peering capacity. It has a lot of useful services, including token based authentication, prioritization of traffic, tracking of resource popularity, and logs with auto-download tools. Level3 has PoPs all over the globe (the USA, Europe, South America, Europe, Australia, China, etc.). Prices are available upon request.

There is no ideal CDN for everybody – the choice depends on one’s needs and target auditory location. But in order to save time, use services of companies that have already gained popularity and loyalty among numerous clients. These are companies that have thousands of users and offer the most advanced CDN services for the most competitive prices.

Suumit Shah
Suumit Shah
Suumit is the serial entrepreneur, a digital marketing expert with more than 8 years of experience in running a successful digital marketing agency by the name of Risemetric. To know more about him, you can follow him on Twitter


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