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10 Tips to Improve Your Gaming Skills

It happens to all of us, after losing a couple of rounds online we think that something is wrong, that something is wrong. We feel defeated, even the nose of another player taking away our kill or being killed as soon as we respawn. Yes, we are talking about shooters. Although this is also a valid lesson for other genres of video games.

If we want to improve our gaming skills. We all know that the great professionals of the Intel Extreme Masters series were not born as absolute experts, but came to be by following guidelines and advice. We invite you to take a look at these tips. Give them a try, and who knows, maybe you control competitive play sooner than you think.

1. Practicing is the key

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Repetition does serve to learn. The best athlete in the world is because he scrapes every hundredth of a second. Let’s be aware that, because it is a video game, it does not mean that it does not require practice to be a teacher. In sight are eSports players.

Although it is not a physical training, working the skills will require the same time as any other sport. And if we also look for an adapted monitor, with VisionCare technology, the eyes will be protected from fatigue after long practice sessions. Because each battle is the definitive one and to win the war you must always be prepared.

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2. Choose your game

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Game strategy needs us to keep all our attention. The players of ‘Dark Souls’ know it: all the first hours are just hours of practice, trial and error to be able to advance in the future.

You have to be silent. And, if our goal is greatness, let us not be stopped by any electronic component, starting from the monitor, the key element. The standard models do not have technologies such as eye-tracking. Aim, shoot and run; our eyes and intuition are our best weapons.

3. Control your handles

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To play with a computer where a keyboard and a mouse are used, we must know which keys perform each function. We have already talked about macro keys and shortcut programming on other occasions. Peripherals are determining. And the use we give it, too.

Normally the game manual will give the key information. We must spend time knowing all the buttons and what actions they perform, so that we do not waste time executing the appropriate movement. With a low latency of 1 ms, our mouse, joystick or steering wheel will be perfectly synchronized to the game played on screen and we will reduce possible delays for a more accurate experience.

4. Adapt your skills

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There’s no need to get frustrated if we don’t get it right the first time: be patient and take your time to find out what you may be doing wrong to improve. Any coach educates with this mantra and falling is a good way to avoid doing it again.

When we reach the highest level, we should not go back to the basics and repeat it again. With practice, we will be able to take advantage of some functions such as Predator GameView, incorporated into the range of professional monitors to quickly adapt the monitor settings to the title we are playing and save user profiles for racing, action or sports environments.

5. Check out the real pros

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Following competitive tournaments or broadcasts of professional players does wonders for personal development. They know the secrets of success. They are not only exceptional players, but they are also a source of resources to learn the latest tricks, strategies, etc. In cases like ‘League of Legends’ or ‘DotA’, they are a source of knowledge of lore.

Also, this will give us a great advantage when we play competitively. Often, professionals move so rapid that they often miss crucial details. Nvidia G-Sync syncs perfectly with the frame rate of our graphics card and monitor to eliminate ghosting and tearing. You know what it is, right? We have already discussed this in detail. By minimizing stuttering, we won’t miss a thing, even the slightest movement or enemy attack.

6. Repeat to succeed

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We said that repetition does learn. It is not unreasonable to repeat the same level 20 or 30 times (followed, if possible). In these repetitions, it is where true skills are forged.

Every time you repeat a level you improve your skills, even three times in a row is better than once, and the same applies to monitors: multiscreen configurations with ZeroFrame frames allow you to see more and enjoy a truly immersive experience.

7. Show off your skills

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Nobody is bitter about a sweet and it is not about feeding the ego, but recognizing achievements. Let nothing deprive us of impressing our friends by showing them what we know how to do in a face-to-face or cooperative duel.

With three 35” screens at 12K resolution, our friends will enjoy a cinematic experience while watching us make those best movements learned after hours and hours of work. Or experience total immersion to be the best critics. You know, a true friend is always sincere. Although perhaps envy…

8. Take a breath

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But let’s not go crazy either: the last thing you want is to obsess over a game. Not to mention that being exposed to too many hours of play can worsen efficiency and dexterity.

Any expert would recommend: take a 1 or 2 hour break to rest your eyes and head. Nothing better than taking a breath and trying again. Equip yourself with a modern monitor with Acer Flickerless and BluelightShield technologies to keep your mind as fresh as possible in front of the tired opponent.

9. Keep your eyes wide open

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Check what is happening in the game and what you have to do. There are always hidden details that will help us solve mysteries faster, find better routes, protect you from a battalion of enemies, or have a deeper understanding of history. Each map hides a nook created by the designers for us to discover.

Thus, unless we are in a death-match, we must try to pay attention to these elements. To help us, it is advisable to choose a monitor with HDR Ultra and DarkBoost, that is, a software tool for higher image contrast and more prominent details in poorly lit spaces that will allow us to see what the shadows hide.

10. Arm yourself

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Some people claim that the quality of the arsenal is absolutely crucial, while others will say that it all depends on our skill. We think that the ideal is an intermediate point. In fact, you can become a professional without the best team, as there are examples of professionals who play with an old school team and are competing at the highest levels. ‘Counter Strike: Global Offensive’, for more signs.

However, they are the exception, not the rule, and the truth is that it is usually much more advantageous for anyone to be able to use good equipment. An ultra-sensitive mouse with extra keys and a monitor with a high refresh rate of 240 Hz will help us improve our skills and move faster so that one day we can also become a great professional. Not surprisingly, experts talk about DPI sensitivity and adjustments in the AIM to make it stand out.

He is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets and Gaming. you can connect with him on Facebook | Linkedin | mail:


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