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HomeSEOThe Smart SEO Auditor: Mastering SEO With This Tool

The Smart SEO Auditor: Mastering SEO With This Tool


When it comes to being spectacular in SEO, a lot of work is involved. Some of the main things you must do include you keeping your website up-to-date, maintaining amazing content, and not including broken links. If you don’t stay abreast of these tasks and more, your site will not be among the first few pages of the search engines. As a matter of fact, your site will more than likely be bogged down in the search engine pages. Even if you think your site stays up-to-par with these important tasks for SEO purposes, it may not be as on top as you think. There is one tool, however, that can perform a thorough check of your site for you when it comes to SEO. This tool is called the Smart SEO Auditor,

The Smart SEO Auditor

What exactly is the Smart SEO Auditor?

This is software used to audit your website and to be a website crawler. Its current version is 1.5, and the date of issue is September 16, 2018. This product analyzes the optimization of the internal website, scans competitors’ websites, and searches for broken links and duplicates. This software is designed for beginners and experts of SEO specialization. It is also made for website owners and webmasters. Additionally, this site is beneficial for analyzing large and medium sites.

How Do You Get It?

You can download the free version or purchase the premium version of this product. When you go to their site,, you’ll also notice that you can obtain the English or Russian version of this product as shown in the top center of the screen. After choosing whether you want the English version or the Russian version, you must then go through the process of getting it for free, or you can purchase it. The system requirements of Smart SEO Auditor are as follows: Microsoft Windows 7, 8x, 10, .NET Framework 4.5.2, CPU Intel Core 2 Duo, and RAM 2GB or more. The free version crawls up to 100 pages of the site. For the free version, all you have to do is to click on the download link to install the application. You then must click on ‘run’, type in your site’s address, and click on the ‘start crawling’ link. From there, the software checks every page of the site for over 30 criteria. The software will find all duplicates, broken links, and other errors. This smart SEO tool does a thorough SEO analysis of the website. Then, the analysis is saved to an Excel file, and the results include relevant information concerning the sitemap, robots.txt, and other reports into an intuitive interface. If you decide to purchase this product, you must first click on the ‘purchase’ link. After purchasing it, you will receive a license key at your specified email. You must activate the key upon receiving the key by selecting ‘help’ in the menu, and then choose ‘license’. Then, you must enter the license key when prompted and click on ‘activate’. A license key must be purchased annually to keep this product. Lastly, you must restart the program to start using this software. With this product, you’ll have a 30-day, money-back guarantee. So, you can check out this product to see if it is right for you. 2Checkout securely processes payments for these orders so you can rest in knowing that your payment is secured. This payment processing system is a very trusted registration service of today that is a 100% safe, top-notch security system.

How does it actually work?

As previously mentioned, this tool checks every site page by 30+ criteria. It checks user-friendly URLs, server response codes, descriptions, keywords, titles, and a plethora of other parameters. This device also checks links from site’s pages, checks external and internal links, and analyzes site images. Having broken links search and duplicates are serious problems when trying to promote the site. These issues must be taken care of immediately by removing them. Many webmasters and site owners underestimate the impact of these issues on site ranking. Using regular scanning with the Smart SEO Auditor avoids the rank from dropping. When search engines see broken links, they downgrade the website in the search results. The Smart SEO Auditor is also easy to use. On the first tab of this tool, you’ll see a posting of the general report of the analysis results. This report has links to the related tabs. These features tremendously simplify the results of the reading analysis. Without this tool, checking errors on your site could be quite complex unless you are proficient as a computer programmer. Furthermore, this device works in the background mode, and it gives the user an understandable and easy report with many hints.


This product is a device that just keeps giving. In addition to all the benefits already mentioned, the software developers launch additional functionality the best they can in a new version. They strive to make sure their users are satisfied. They also give helpful advice when they check your top 10 competitors’ sites. Also, if you have questions, you can contact them via email or through their technical support page. This page is easily accessible by clicking on the ‘support’ link on the top part of the screen. The Smart SEO Auditor is the way to go. Your brand will surely grow and remain on top of the competition when using this device.

John Paul
John Paul
John is a full-time blogger and loves to write on gadgets, search engine trends, web designing & development, social media, new technologies, and entrepreneurship. You may connect with him on Facebook, Twittter and LinkedIn.


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