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HomeEducationThe Art Of Writing A Resume For Teaching Jobs

The Art Of Writing A Resume For Teaching Jobs

There is always a shortage of teachers in our society since the old age until now. If any of you have watched the movie, Lucy, then you probably have heard Mr. Morgan Freeman explained that the instinct and purpose hidden within our DNA are to pass on knowledge..

It is even more relevant in this modern age, where there is a constant need to get educated. So there is no worry about a shortage of teaching jobs, but that does not mean a resume written with a “whatever” attitude would land you the job. Hence professional resume writing services are highly recommended to get the best resume prepared for your next interview.

The Art Of Writing A Resume For Teaching Jobs

A resume for teaching is different from others in many ways you can take services from companies like NimoHR, and this article shall show you the correct format for education purposes (pun intended).

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How to write a teacher’s CV

A Personal Statement on Education

It replaces the “Career Objective” which is typically located at the very first part of a standard resume. Teaching is more than just a certificate; the quality of a teacher also depends on his/her personal quality. So this brief paragraph will provide the recruiter a general idea of who you are, what your personal qualities are, and how they can be an asset to teaching others.

Teaching qualifications

Although I did just mention that teaching is more than just a certificate, it is exceptionally vital to let recruiters know you are an educated being yourself.

Quite obvious really, if you want to teach someone, you have to be at least educated in the field as a prerequisite. So make sure you display all your bachelor, master, or doctor degree that you worked hard to obtain.

Also, emphasize on any additional and relevant courses, workshop sessions and conferences which you have attended to display your education further.

Teaching experience and skills

A teacher’s job includes classroom management, teaching materials preparation, grading tests and exams, monitoring students’ growth, and so many more. To convince the recruiters, you can be a valuable asset to them; you need to demonstrate you could handle the above-mentioned tasks, or excel at certain tasks.

However, listing every single class and students you have taught could be a little bit mundane and does not prove a point specifically. I would recommend highlighting the most robust class or teaching duty you have handled in your career. A description of the methods you used to handle said class or duty would be a convincing impression in the eyes of recruiters.

Remember, in the teaching industry, specifically; it is an accomplishment that matters, not fulfilling duties like a soldier.

Computer skills

A common issue with teachers these days is the inability to use a computer. You might think that in these days and age, you have to be adept in computer coding to even mention it in your CV. However, it is the truth that there are teachers, especially the more senior one, who have trouble with computers.

So mentioning briefly in the CV of your adaptability with computer software and listing names of teaching relevant software you are familiar with would alleviate their concerns.

Cover letter

Some other industries might even laugh at the use of a cover letter, but for a job like teachings, they are essential. Anyone with the experience and knowledge in the related can apply as a teacher, that’s why if you want to stand out, you need to mention how you are different from the rest.

Achievements and skills are one thing, but teaching requires patience and care. To draw the attention of hiring personnel, use the cover letter to display your personality and let them know you are a suitable candidate for the teaching position.

A different resume for each employer

Do not be lazy and try to make a one-size-fits-all resume. The aptitude for teaching in a university is not necessarily for a teaching job in kindergarten, and vice versa, the gentle and caring attitude is not a thing for a professor.

Relevant certificates

Depending on the field you are applying to teach, there are other certificate or documents which might help in boosting the success rate of your resume.

For instance, if you are applying for a job as a physics teacher, that electrician certificate could help further prove your practice experience with electricity. Another example is the Adobe certified expert, which, to my knowledge, is very highly valued in teaching art and design in my college.

Apart from qualification to further prove your expertise in the field, other certificates such as Work with children check, or similar can also be quite relevant and useful for teaching in kindergarten or primary school.

The layout of a teacher’s CV

Lastly, one of the most important and also forgotten aspect. Since you are applying for a summer job as a teacher, your hiring manager would expect you to be adequate at conveying information and explaining things to others.

As such, a convoluted CV and cover letter that does not show nor explain well how you are a suitable candidate for the job quickly turns into massive minus. Make sure the layout is professional, easy to understand, and the cover letter is on point with your personal quality and how it is relevant to teaching.


The role of a teacher is different from most other industries. In this field, the candidate is required to have knowledge and experience in the related areas, as well as teaching experience and the personality for it.

It is quite challenging to put everything in resume concisely and briefly, yet able to demonstrate all the mentioned qualities, but still you have to do it if you want that teaching job.

So, follow my tips and recommendation and spend some time and effort on that resume. You will be landing that teaching job you have been dreaming before you realize.

Happy teaching folks.

John Paul
John Paul
John is a full-time blogger and loves to write on gadgets, search engine trends, web designing & development, social media, new technologies, and entrepreneurship. You may connect with him on Facebook, Twittter and LinkedIn.


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