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HomeSeven Steps For Implementing An Effective Quality Assurance Plan

Seven Steps For Implementing An Effective Quality Assurance Plan

If you want your web project to be successful, you need to develop a genuinely effective quality assurance plan. It can sometimes take some work, as you need to consider various aspects of your company. Many mistakenly believe that quality assurance depends solely on software testing quality. Still, it should include many processes we want to discuss today.

1. Define your business standards and goals

If your employees want to perform their duties well, you must ensure they understand what you are hiring them for. You should create a document describing your company’s standards and goals, employees’ duties, and much more.

Quality Assurance Plan

A written document will allow your employees to review and consider aspects of your quality plan at any convenient time.

2. Assign roles and responsibilities

Large corporations can afford to hire an entire department to oversee quality assurance. On the contrary, small organizations hire individual outsourcers to oversee this process or implement special programs based on artificial intelligence.

To be hiring specialists, first you need to take care of their training, integration into the team, make sure that the specialist constantly develops and improves his skills. At this stage, you should explain to them their responsibilities and how the roles are distributed in your group. For a one-time project, this option is practically not relevant. In order to get a qualified and certified specialist, it is easier and ultimately cheaper to turn to an outsourced testing company. You can receive comprehensive advice specifically for your project, as well as you are able to select the specialists that are required in a particular case.

3. Implement new policies and procedures for quality assurance

As your company develops, quality goals and objectives may change. Please communicate with your employees and find out what problems they are facing or what ideas they have for improving quality assurance. It is also your responsibility to answer questions and resolve any concerns that managers and employees may have.

You must monitor how your employees comply with the new quality assurance policies. To do this, you can use special software. It will also improve the quality of reporting.

Moving smoothly from the old way of doing business to your new quality assurance program is essential. It requires that you provide your team with regular transition reminders during the weeks and days leading up to the transition.

4. Analyze and measure the process

You need to constantly analyze your company’s performance and measure how introducing new technologies and policies affects the quality of service and services. It is crucial to receive up-to-date and truthful data. Here it is necessary to consider not only financial growth and the number of new customers but also the opinions of your employees and customers. Please invite your users to leave feedback about your employees’ work or the services they receive.

It will also be good if you meet regularly with your company’s employees to understand their difficulties and ideas to improve the company’s work. You can analyze their proposals, choose the ones you like the most, and implement them.

5. Make the necessary adjustments

You must respond quickly and adjust if you notice any difficulties or problems. It is crucial to build a flexible quality assurance plan where you can make adjustments if necessary. Many experts suggest conducting an audit every 2 to 3 months (or more often), allowing you to identify problems and make adjustments quickly. The sooner you make changes, the less time they will bring new problems. Quality assurance bugs tend to snowball, so the sooner you make changes, the better.

When you bring new models into your software, you must carefully check how well it works. The QA process in software testing should be permanent, not situational. Please implement automated tests, allowing you to identify the slightest bugs and fix them in time.

6. Keep everyone on your team in the loop

Keep everyone on your team in the loop

If all employees understand your goals for developing your business, it will be easier for them to realize them. At the same time, if everyone understands the problems, solving them will be much more accessible by acting as a single giant organism.

If you only give optimistic, uplifting speeches, people will not be interested in the development of your company because they will need to understand the actual state of affairs.

7. Make continuous improvements

No matter how good your quality assurance plan is, you need to systematically change and improve it depending on what problems your company faces depending on the stage of its development.

Results or information obtained from a survey or other customer feedback tools should now be used to make the necessary changes to the quality assurance process. It will also allow you to highlight new leaders in your team and implement their ideas for the benefit of your company.


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