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Know How to Merge Fleets in Stellaris in Simple Steps

Stellaris is all about managing your fleets. But sometimes, it becomes overwhelming when there are so many different types of fleets. In this case, merging fleets in Stellaris is one of the best solutions. However, you have to be very quick in the game.

How to Merge Fleets in Stellaris

And you are merging results in a small number of fleets so that you could make that fast winning move. Now you must be wondering how to merge fleets in Stellaris. You’ll find many different ways to do that and troubleshoot any problem that you may encounter on the way.

In this article, we’ll show you some ways to explore how to merge fleets in Stellaris.

How to merge fleets in Stellaris?

How to merge fleets in Stellaris is the standard and a pretty straightforward method. The first thing you have to do is select the multiple fleets that you want to blend.

Now you have to hold down the shift key while selecting the various fleets to choose at once. Then, you have to press the merge button to start the blending process.

On the other hand, you could also press the G shortcut key on your keyboard to do that. Remember, the only way to merge your fleets is when they meet together.

That’s it! You successfully blended all the fleets. If you’re trying to merge fleets from a different system, remember that it will take time to complete the process.

How simple is that? Isn’t it? However, it is enough to complete the merging process. But if this method doesn’t work, below are some more ways to understand the problem behind it.

  1. The tooltips have the answer

Sometimes, you have to peek at the tooltips as an RTS gamer. It is a point of pride where you will get to know almost everything in the game.

If you’re facing issues while merging fleets in Stellaris, you can check the tooltips for the answer. Sometimes, you’ll find a straightforward answer.

For example, some speciality fleets don’t merge with certain ships. It is impossible to merge vessels if they have different drive systems. On the other hand, if fleets are busy with repairs or upgrades, they will not get a merge.

The tooltip will also inform you about the user error. You will get surprised when you hit the merge button, but only one fleet got selected. However, the tooltip will also not warn you about everything in the game.

  1. Talk it to the command limit

The command will create a limit on how many ships you can have in a fleet. However, the limit will not show you the actual number of vessels in a fleet.

That is the reason some ships count more than the limit. For example, if you have a command limit of 20, you could have 20 corvettes but only ten destroyers.

So the merging process will not happen if it puts you over the command limit. Remember that blending fleets need a mastering of transferring splitting fleets and ships.

  1. Transfer of power

As a player, sometimes you accidentally click on the transfer button instead of the merge button. Then you might be wondering why your fleets are not blending.

You have to start by selecting a particular fleet and pressing the transfer button to transfer the ships accurately. Later, you have to choose a specific ship and move it into a new fleet.

On the other hand, you can also perform this method with multiple methods. You can merge a new fleet you have created into one of your existing ones.

Now the question arises why we have to bother about transferring ships? For most RTS gamers, it goes back to the rock, paper and scissor design.

  1. Calling it splits

Transferring ships means micromanaging different ships and configurations. You have to choose the fleet and then pick the split fleet.

In this situation, your computer will split your large fleet into small ones. Now the question arises why do you have to break the fleets?

It is one of the best ways to break your fleets from large to small ones. If you’re trying to split the fleets made from ships, this technique is the best method.

Wrapping up

Merging fleets in Stellaris is one of the most crucial actions in the game. We hope the information outlined in the article will help you to do that. But remember that merging and transferring need years of mastery skills.

He is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets and Gaming. you can connect with him on Facebook | Linkedin | mail: srupnar85@gmail.com


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