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HomeBusinessHow To Write Epic Product Descriptions To Attract Buyers?

How To Write Epic Product Descriptions To Attract Buyers?

Does product description play a significant role in boosting your sales? Well, if that’s the question you are continuously thinking about, the answer is, yes.

How To Write Epic Product Descriptions To Attract Buyers

Though the number of items you sell doesn’t depend solely on the quality of product description, they do matter a lot. According to an e-commerce study, badly written product descriptions can drop your sales by 20%. Having said that, here we bring out a small guide to help you out with amazing product descriptions that actually sell.

  1. Defining your buyer personas
    How To Write Epic Product Descriptions To Attract Buyers

Whenever you are selling a product, the description should be of some relevance to the customers. Hence, you need to draft in-depth buyer personas before hitting blatantly on the product descriptions.

However, the product title and the high-quality images do half of the work but the other half depends on how well your descriptions are written. Know who your target audience is?

For instance, rolling paper depot sells a huge variety of rolling papers and, this is how their description looks like:

They have mentioned the features (vegan, smoke-free, slow-burning, etc.) that set these rolling papers apart from others. However, they have not mentioned how these papers need to be filled and rolled up. Hence, their buyer persona is someone who smokes and already knows about rolling papers.

The way they have written their product description is undoubtedly convincing but, how about adding a few steps guiding the people to roll their cigar? Well, that’s how you can add relevance to your product descriptions.

  1. Features and benefits
    How To Write Epic Product Descriptions To Attract Buyers

Why should someone buy your product (except for the reason that it’s affordable)? Your product description should be convincing enough so that people are ultimately checking out successfully.

Don’t forget – words can do wonders! Try including features and benefits of the item in the description. Put yourself in buyer’s shoes and think, what would have convinced you to go for this particular project?

For example, Maybelline New York, one of the biggest names in the makeup industry, writes their product descriptions perfectly.

Besides the product images, swatches, and colour options, they present you with reasons to love their cosmetics.

How To Write Epic Product Descriptions To Attract Buyers

Product descriptions like these create a vivid image of the product in front of the customers and, that’s how it should be. Let people know how a particular item will solve their problem and, why they should throw in some money on them.

  1. Follow your brand’s tone
    How To Write Epic Product Descriptions To Attract Buyers

Drafting a convincing product description while sticking close to your brand’s tone is essential. We mean, being an electrical appliance seller, you can’t use girly or funny tone.

Hence, figure out the tone of your brand. Is it quirky or formal? For instance, watch out the descriptions of ModCloth, e-commerce dealing with women apparel.

The tone of their descriptions is feminine and subtle. They have also included the details of the cloth along with a size chart.

On the other hand, have a look at the product descriptions of Fossil that are classy and formal.

How To Write Epic Product Descriptions To Attract Buyers

  1. Include catchy headings and bulletsHow To Write Epic Product Descriptions To Attract Buyers

Headings and bulleted points are the instant eye-catchers. If possible, try to break down your description into multiple points, each with a unique heading.

Bulleted content is much appealing and easy to read than a paragraph. For instance, check out the way The Fone Stuff has written their product descriptions.

They have made a “Why we like it” section to list down the top-5 reasons that you should buy their products and the description section having bulleted points followed by catchy-headings. Pretty convincing, huh?

  1. Use persuasive words
    How To Write Epic Product Descriptions To Attract Buyers

As we said earlier, words can do wonders. Use influential terms in your descriptions to allure people. A boring and to the point description never work until you are a renowned brand.

You can use words like amazing, wonderful, excellent, wondrous, astonishing, attractive, sensational, revolutionary, suddenly, etc. in your product descriptions to make them stand out from the rest.

For example, if you come across a dress with this sort of product description, won’t you add it to your cart? Of course, you would.

  1. Optimise your descriptions

Lastly but important, optimise! Words are just not for the buyers but, also for the search engine bots. Include keywords in your product descriptions and remember, not to stuff them.

Here’s a tip for you – If you a seller on Amazon or you own an e-commerce platform, you can always use the auto-search functionality of Amazon search bar to know the trending keywords that people are searching for.

Try to include these keywords in the title, description, alt-text, and Meta description of the product.

This was all that you need to incorporate in your product descriptions to make them stand out and attract customers.

Of, course there can be other ways of making your descriptions effective such as, including a product video, using multiple images of the products, allowing buyers to try on the product virtually (NYX Cosmetics allows people to upload their image to see if the product suits them) etc.

On a lighter note, the product descriptions should be informative and compelling. If you are an e-commerce business, you can even hire a digital marketing company in Delhi to write irresistible product descriptions.

John Paul
John Paul
John is a full-time blogger and loves to write on gadgets, search engine trends, web designing & development, social media, new technologies, and entrepreneurship. You may connect with him on Facebook, Twittter and LinkedIn.


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