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HomeSEOAspects of Web Design to Pay Attention To in 2022

Aspects of Web Design to Pay Attention To in 2022

What makes a website stand out to you? If you’re anything like the average user, you’ll probably notice factors like load speed, usability, etc. Those things are important, but even more crucial to a user’s overall experience is the web design. You know – the layout, the background, the font, and so much more. All the little details that go into producing a website’s general appearance. Using a professional service like this boise website design company will help make sure all those little details are covered.

Aspects of Web Design to Pay Attention

If you’re considering web designs for your own site, you may have already realized just how many options there are. It’s great to have so many, until you have to actually pick one! Fortunately, you don’t have to sift through all of them yourself; you could use a web design service from Bless Web Designs, or look at web design trends that’ll help your website look relevant and engaging. If that’s what’s on your mind, check out the list below – you’re sure to find something you like!

Designs that provide dimension and depth

Not every website needs to look absolutely iconic, but if your home page can make users pause and think “hey, that’s neat”, you’re on the right track. There are many ways to do this, with one of the easiest being through 3-D effects. 2-D pictures that appear to have depth tend to be more visually appealing, and a good first impression means that users are more likely to stick around.

Obvious call to action

For most websites, it’s important not to be crass when it comes to the “call to action” part of the website. After all, if you’re too pushy you’ll just drive people away – you have to be strategic about these things. Unless, of course, it’s a part of your brand, like it is with Xperience Fitness. Their website was redesigned by WebCitz, it has a call to action right there on their homepage. And what’s more, it actually works!

Beefed-up footers

In previous years, the footer section of a webpage was like the end of the banana that nobody ever wants to eat – it pretty much just got ignored. More recently, however, people have started to develop their webpages down to the very bottom, and it definitely changes the dynamic. Instead of a basic signup form, or contact information that’s added just to have something there, “footer boosts” are now an integral part of the page.

Responsive design elements

Websites already respond to specific user actions. You can scroll, click, or close the web page. But what about interactive features, like being able to move your mouse over a video of serenely swimming fish, and seeing the water ripple? Now that’s a great way to keep someone’s attention. Not only does it add to the cool factor, but it makes you look like you really know what you’re doing.

Abstract shapes

When hammering out the details for web design, a lot of people lean towards the specific – wedding companies use pictures of weddings, travel companies depict adventures through cities or mountains, and a pet adoption shelter will show photos of cuddly animals. That’s a pretty solid strategy most of the time, but it’s also very obvious. Some websites are opting for abstract designs that set the mood, more than sending a message. They might even be animated in some cases, which drives up the visual engagement factor.

Attention-grabbing titles

Sometimes you just need to keep it short and sweet – and that’s when you need to stick with bold titles. It’s not that the actual words of the title need to be anything special; it’s just that you’ll be using an extra-big font size to get the point across. There’s almost always something else going on behind the text, but with the words being the focal point of the page, you can lay it out clearly for users so they know just what to expect.

Scroll-triggered animations

This type of web design needs a degree of balance, as it can turn into an overstimulating experience for users. Scrolling already produces movement on the page, so if there are additional animations that respond to user activity, they need to enhance the experience, not create confusion. For instance, you could opt for alterations in the background, or for titles that change to reflect the content that’s being viewed.

Gradient color schemes

What’s so special about gradients, you may ask? People asked the same thing when Instagram incorporated a gradient design into their logo in 2016. It was pretty rare to see gradients used like that at the time, but these days more and more websites are picking up on the idea. Basically, web designs that use gradients are visually appealing – that’s about it. And really, what more do you need?

Dark mode

Most websites are designed with the assumption that they’re going to be viewed during the day – but that isn’t always the case. A lot of devices are able to make it easier to view content in low-light settings, but what if the website you were on let you easily switch to dark mode? Providing user interfaces for low-light environments is just one more way to make it easier for people to use your website, and that’s never a bad idea.

Mini animations

If a full-scale animation for your home page seems like a bit much, maybe micro-animations would fit the bill. With just a few elements moving across an otherwise static page, you could showcase a more dynamic user experience without overwhelming the actual message of the page. Plus, with a richer background, users are more likely to check out the rest of the site as well.

Could your website benefit from any of these web designs?

Whether you’re starting from zero, or you already have an established website, a bit of background in web design is something that most website owners would benefit from. Now that you’re up to speed on 2022’s web design trends, what’s your next step going to be? Even if your new knowledge doesn’t result in immediate changes to your own website, it’ll still help you appreciate and understand what you see on other sites.

He is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets and Gaming. you can connect with him on Facebook | Linkedin | mail:


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