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HomeResources7 Things To Avoid At Your Next Award Ceremony At All Costs

7 Things To Avoid At Your Next Award Ceremony At All Costs

When it comes to the award ceremony, the stakes are often too high. You must put in the right kind of preparations and do all that is needed to make sure that your award night turns out to be just the way you had envisioned it to be.

7 Things To Avoid At Your Next Award Ceremony At All Costs

An award goes a long way in celebrating the success of an individual and this is why award ceremonies tend to be a big thing. So, here we are going to talk of 7 pitfalls which you have to avoid at all costs.

  1. Do Not Choose The Wrong Venue

When it comes to award ceremonies, the venue is an important factor. It has the power to both make and break the award ceremony. So, make sure to do a detour of the place and see if it matches the kind of award nights you will be having. Take the right decision.

  1. Do Not Announce The Wrong Winner

We knew what happened at the Oscars with the wrong winner being announced! We want to repeat this as many times as needed but do not embarrass yourself or the winner by choosing the wrong name. Be double careful with this as this is a goof-up best avoided!

  1. Do Not End Up With Wrong Host Selection

A host has a gargantuan role to play in an award ceremony. It is the host who is ultimately responsible for entertaining the guests. So, never choose an incompetent host. If you want to stay on the safe side, go for someone with immaculate experience because like we said, the stakes are often too high.

  1. Be Careful With The Sponsors

Do not go wrong with this point. You do not want to be sponsoring a cigarette brand when your award night has to do with charity or even children’s upliftment. Just for the sake of making money, do not have any sponsor. Be careful with whom you choose because an award night is more about marketing and less about accomplishments.

  1. Don’t Drag The Ceremony And Make It Boring

We do understand that you may have a schedule and timetable to adhere to but we want you to know that you should be impromptu in this regard. If you feel that the ceremony is being dragged unnecessarily; cut down on few events if needed. Make it short, precise, and entertaining so that it leaves a mark on everyone who came to attend it.

  1. Do Not Be Negligent With The Branding

Award nights are a great way to market and strengthen the brand image. So, when you are giving awards, certificates, or even recording the whole thing, you have to be mindful of the branding. Incorporating your brand logo and details could come in very handy as far as promoting your firm is concerned. Have logos at the right place to make sure it gets the attention without screaming too hard or trying more than what looks good.

  1. Don’t Be Ignorant With The Follow-Up

Once the awards night is done, you do not need to head to bed and forget all about it. A follow-up is a great way to know what worked and what didn’t. This way you will be able to catch up on the best of feedback and review and get better with every successive time. You may come across some of the best constructive criticism when you ask for a follow-up. So, know the right people to contact and be serious with the feedback.


These are the 7 important things which you should avoid when you are having an awards night. When you are careful with these factors, it will allow you to put an impressive show and the media might just give you the attention that can work wonders for your firm. So, plan well and execute even better.

John Paul
John Paul
John is a full-time blogger and loves to write on gadgets, search engine trends, web designing & development, social media, new technologies, and entrepreneurship. You may connect with him on Facebook, Twittter and LinkedIn.


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