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HomeResources6 Side Hustles That Will Make You Debt Free

6 Side Hustles That Will Make You Debt Free

Debt stress is one of the fastest-growing causes of anxiety and stress in over 60% of people today (As measured back in 2014). What is debt stress? Stress which emerges from financial troubles, mainly when you have a debt the size of which is much larger than your income, is debt stress. It can result in serious disorders like muscle tension, frequent migraines, and irregular sleep.

6 Side Hustles That Will Make You Debt Free

Now, as the title says, today we are going to talk about side hustles, but to begin with, let us first understand what exactly is a side hustle? It is basically a side job, in addition to your full-time job to earn extra income. When people suffer from debt stress, it is advised to embrace side hustles to earn that extra bit of penny, because you certainly cannot rely on being lucky to find a random coin on the streets every day.

Now, that you have decided to pick up some side hustles to get rid of any medical debt collection, we bring you the list with the top 6 techniques that will surely leave you in a happier state.

Tutor Others

Tutoring can act as a great side source of income helping you gauge some extra income for your debt repayment. If you are good in your academics and field of study, you can look out for young minds who are struggling in the same subject matter and assist them in return for a commission. It will not only help the younger ones but will be a source of a side income for you. This is the advantage of paying attention to that one last lecture on a hot afternoon in school.

Sell Unwanted Stuff

If you are a hoarder and literally have a cupboard of items you don’t use at all, you can organize a backyard sale and sell off all the unwanted stuff, while earning a few good thousands. You can also sell your items on various websites like or  It’s finally time to put that old music system and that as-good-as-new lampshade to some use.

Do odd jobs

Odd jobs like washing cars, trimming garden overgrowth, cleaning a few windows or painting walls can be your rescue in the tough days. For example – you could wash cars of your neighbors or people who live in your neighborhood on the weekends which will earn you a few pennies here and there. If you do these regularly, you might save up a considerable amount. If you live in a country where it snows, you could also take up removing snow from the paths as a side hustle.

Take up a Part-Time Job

A part-time job will make you some extra cash that will encourage you to repay your debt and guess what, it earns you much more than all the other side hustles. You can bank on your energy to endure part-time jobs with persistence. For instance – you can take up waitressing in a cafe or become a salesperson in a store for a shift with less work hours. You can also become a part-time tour guide of a local monument or a heritage site. This will earn you a good side income.

Babysitting or Petting

If working part-time becomes stressful for you, babysitting or petting is another alternative to earn money. In today’s modern society, there is a great need for people who can look after children or pets while their parents are working. For instance – you can pet a dog while its owners are out of town, it will give you a companion and also earn you a small part of your debt repayment.

Writing or blogging

If you are blessed with the talent of writing, becoming a blogger is one of the most favourable side hustles for you. You could start your own blog or write for someone. Your good writing skills will help you earn fans, followers and not to forget, a good side income. With the trend of paid stories setting in, writing stories with the potential to attract readers, can also take you places.

These are the most popular side hustles taken up by debt stressed citizens, and undoubtedly, they have proved to be insanely helpful in the long run. Not only do they earn you money, but also contribute to your development as an individual. Now, all you need is that one last push and a cup of coffee, and you are ready to fight off the debt.

John Paul
John Paul
John is a full-time blogger and loves to write on gadgets, search engine trends, web designing & development, social media, new technologies, and entrepreneurship. You may connect with him on Facebook, Twittter and LinkedIn.


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