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HomeWeb Development10 Things That Should Be In Your Web Developers Strategy

10 Things That Should Be In Your Web Developers Strategy

When it comes to web design and development, there are certain things that you should not be compromising on in the development stage. These are things that will improve the functionality of your site as well as user-friendliness. This is the ultimate goal of any website, to attract and engage customers and keep them returning to your site. In order to create a high-quality website for your company, you must get in touch with .

10 Things That Should Be In Your Web Developers Strategy

If you want a smooth-running website, that attracts lots of traffic, make sure that your web developer’s strategy includes the following things.

  1. Architecture that’s search engine friendly

When coding a site always keep search engines in mind. Good web designers like the people at Perth Web Design, take into account the various things that might hamper your site’s performance in search results.

This might include things like readable URL’s, unspiderable links and pages, excessive internal linking, bad navigation implementation or slow loading pages. All these need to be considered while coding to make sure that your site performs well in search results.

  1. Mobile compatibility

More often than not the first interaction the user will have with your mobile device is through their mobile devices. Your site needs to be compatible across all devices and run just as smoothly on the one as the other.

If your site doesn’t work or takes forever to load it gives a bad first impression to potential users. Make sure that your site translates well on mobile devices and that it is still visually appealing.

  1. Ready for print

Is your site ready for print? It might not seem important but your site won’t always be consumed electronically. Often users will print pages to review at a later stage. If your site is not printer friendly the user might run into trouble as text might become illegible when the page is printed.

  1. Speed optimized

Users want quick and instant results and don’t want to wait for a site to load up. This is why it’s important that your site must be optimized for speed. During the development stage try to find the thing that’s slowing down your site and fix it. Certain functionalities might just look cool but are not necessary. If that’s the thing that is slowing down the site let go. Always look for ways to speed up your site.

  1. No broken links

One of the major aims of website development is user satisfaction. So, when you roll out your site there shouldn’t be any bugs. It should be free of all kinks like broken links. Making sure your website functions well on all fronts,

  1. Testing, testing, testing

Testing eliminates bugs that might pop up later in the development and roll out process of your website.

Time for testing should be built into the development stages.  This will save you time later on in the process because you won’t need to go back and have something fixed which will delay the process. Do not rush to roll out your site if all bugs have not been worked out. It might do more harm than good.

  1. Custom 404

Your site should be unique and easily recognizable. Users should feel engaged by every paged even it is through a bad link that landed them on your site. So instead of a generic “page not found” message which will ultimately send them right back to the original, design a 404 page to keep users engaged and pique their interest to stick around longer.

  1. Favicon branding

This isn’t a make or break thing but adds something extra to the user experience. The favicon is the small icon that appears in the URL bar when you’re on a site or in the tab of a site you have open. It might seem unimportant but it makes a big difference.

  1. Wireframes

Wireframes help to ensure that your page does not end up missing any important elements and that all the functions are in the right place. Your site will benefit from building a wireframe for each page or section. This helps ensure that all elements are in the correct place.

  1. Analytics

Analytics should be part of the code for every site. This enables you to see exactly how your site is performing on all the different formats.

If your developers strategy ticks all these boxes you’re on your way to creating a user-friendly site that will keep users coming back again and again.

John Paul
John Paul
John is a full-time blogger and loves to write on gadgets, search engine trends, web designing & development, social media, new technologies, and entrepreneurship. You may connect with him on Facebook, Twittter and LinkedIn.


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